When a child shows an interest in anything, it’s natural for parents to want the best for them. Whether it be sports, music, hobbies or modelling, you want to help and encourage them. It might mean getting lessons from experts, or signing them up with a local sports club. With modelling, it’s a little different because it’s more like finding a job. That’s why you need a great modelling agency for kids on your side.

Here’s how to decide on the best modelling agency for your child.

Extensive list of clients

Naturally, modelling agency with a long list of current clients are going to be the best option. Simply, this means your son or daughter can be referred for more jobs. Now, bear in mind that a modelling agency can put your child forward for jobs, but the casting director makes the final call.  But, with that in mind, an agency with very few clients won’t be able to provide your child with as many opportunities.

Consider fee structures

To ensure you’re getting honest, transparent representation, consider the fee structure. Some agencies will simply take a percentage of what their models earn on jobs they’re referred to. While this gives you a ‘no job, no pay’ situation, it also means your child may not be referred regularly for work. In this sort of fee structure, the agent doesn’t really care who gets the job because they get paid anyway.

Rather, agencies who charge a standard annual registration fee for representation are likely to share the opportunities around. This is simply because they need to keep everyone happy – clients as well as the kids on their books. If children aren’t getting opportunities, they won’t be back next year. So, an annual fee incentivises the modelling agency to represent everyone fairly.

The best modelling agencies for kids don’t sign everyone

While children should always be given a chance to succeed, the fact is that modelling is a business. Casting directors and clients ultimately choose the models they think are best suited. Therefore, modelling agencies have a responsibility to refer the best candidates. It’s for this reason that a reputable modelling agency for kids won’t register all children. It wouldn’t be fair on the kids or parents if a modelling agency took their registration fees and couldn’t find work for them.

Looking for a great modelling agency for kids?

At Casting Kids, our reputation has built by providing years of professional service. We don’t play favourites here, and we believe in giving all of our children an opportunity. We embrace diversity and inclusion, and manage children from babies to 16 years. Contact us today, and find out what makes Casting Kids a different modelling agency for kids.

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