When your child has expressed an interest in acting, it’s time to find them some work! Employment in the entertainment industry consists of a varying stream of temporary jobs. These jobs can last from a few hours to days or weeks at a time. And unless your child is lucky enough to secure a long-term, ongoing role early on, you will need to know how to find acting jobs if you want to maintain regular work. Here we will go through some of the most common ways you can find an acting job:

1.        Engage a talent agency

One of the best ways to find consistent acting jobs is to identify and engage a reputable talent agency. A professional acting agency will advocate for your child and introduce them to the right people within the industry.

Their connections will provide your child with many opportunities that may not be available to you otherwise. Through promotion and access to auditions, a talent agency will support and progress your child’s career in acting. Therefore, you should seriously consider engaging an acting agency to find your child an acting job.

2.        Gain acting experience

Above all, the more acting experience your child has, the higher their chances of securing an acting job. From school productions and student films to local theatre and amateur plays, it’s a good idea for your child to get involved in as many acting-related pursuits as possible. You may even want to consider enrolling them in acting classes to improve their skills, confidence, and increase their overall exposure to acting.

Acting agencies are also on the lookout for the next big star in many different settings. So, if your child displays a particular affinity for acting then having their talents on display can get them noticed very quickly. Any opportunity to practice and build on your child’s acting skills should be grabbed with both hands.

3.        Make connections in the industry

A huge advantage in the entertainment industry is increasing your exposure and showcasing your skills to potential employers. Consequently, connecting with industry professionals will greatly improve your child’s chances of getting an acting job. A great way to achieve this is social media. Join industry forums and groups, and follow leading talent agencies to stay informed and aware of opportunities that may arise.

Additionally, if your child has a flair in front of the camera, post their work on vlogging platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. Ensure the type of content you share is relevant and highlights your child’s acting skills and range.

Maintaining an interactive presence online is extremely useful in self-promotion and widening your audience. This will greatly increase the chances of your child being discovered by the right people.

4.        Research casting calls

Casting calls are large auditions that you will find advertised online or within industry publications. Casting calls may be open to the general public or restricted to particular talent agencies or groups. By keeping your eye on industry-related sites, forums, and social media channels you may find an open casting call that leads to an acting job for your child.

Want help to find an acting job in Australia?

Casting Kids is dedicated to finding work for each and every one of our clients. We represent children of all abilities and backgrounds, from age 0-16. Finding your child an acting job is our number one priority and our friendly, professional staff will stop at nothing to promote and put your child forward for all suitable auditions.

Contact us today to discuss registration and get your child started on the right path to success.

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