If your child is showing signs that they may be interested in modelling or acting, then it can be an amazing thing. Pursuing such a career will help boost their confidence and give them skills they can carry throughout their lives. But as a parent, you certainly want to make sure they’re being looked after by the best child agency Melbourne has to offer.

Beware of false promises

Honesty and integrity are important things in all industries, particularly in modelling and acting. Unfortunately, not every child agency in Melbourne will have your child’s best interest at heart. Some tell-tale signs of this are over-confidence and over-promising.

Agencies that promise they can absolutely find acting and modelling work for your child should be viewed with a degree of scepticism. These types of agencies will allow every child to register with them – for a fee, of course.

Rather, look for agencies who are honest. While it may be hard to hear, a reputable agency won’t represent every child. Usually, it is only those who they genuinely believe they can find work for. Also, you should only be paying for an agency’s service if they are genuinely representing your child and putting them forward for work.

With free service, you get what you pay for

Another type of agency to watch out for are free ones. While everybody loves a bargain, the fact is, agencies don’t run on thin air. Registration fees from their carefully selected clients keep the business running. These fees cover all sorts of things, specifically marketing your child to clients.

Agents or agencies who say they’re happy to represent your child for free, in exchange for a percentage of their earnings, will generally not be a great fit. In essence, you get what you pay for.

Look for a child agency in Melbourne with guaranteed clients

Reputable agencies will have a diverse range of clients on their books. Firstly, this shows that they’re professional, and industry clients love dealing with them. Furthermore, it increases the chance of your child finding work.

If an agency can’t provide you a list of regular clients who they’re placing children with for work, it may be best to look elsewhere.

Looking for a great child agency in Melbourne?

If you’re looking for a child agency in Melbourne that you can really trust, look no further. At Casting Kids, we have a reputation as being honest, caring and professional. We also promote inclusion and diversity, representing children of all abilities. Families feel safe with us, and we hope you will too! Contact us today to find out how we can help get your child’s acting or modelling career started.

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