In our last post, we discussed the advantages of partnering with a child agency in Melbourne. To give you a brief recap, we said that a talent agency works alongside you to nurture your child’s career & safeguard their best interests. This time, we will go over the points to consider in finding the right one for your child.

Points to Consider in Choosing the Right Child Agency in Melbourne 

Years in the Industry

The years in the industry of a child agency in Melbourne can say a lot about them. A decade of experience can show how good they are in adapting to different clients’ requirements & any changes to it. 

It also means they have their finger on the pulse of the industry. They continuously take note of the latest trends in kids modelling & apply it as they see fit. By doing so, they provide their talent with the best chance of getting booked.

Diversity of Clients

Unless you’re looking for a child agency in Melbourne that only caters to a specific field, it’s good to find one that caters to different fields. These include television & radio commercials, film, catalogue & voice over, among others. Why? This provides a higher chance for your child to be booked. Moreover, this can help them discover talents which they may not have known before like acting. 

Online Presence

At the end of the day, kids modelling is still a business. So, a child agency in Melbourne who makes use of different marketing trends particularly digital marketing gets an advantage. For instance, having regular fresh content on their websites & social media profiles could help agencies rank higher in search engines. This, in turn, could help them land more clients which would mean more chances of getting booked for your child. Furthermore, when an agency regularly updates its website & profiles with their latest projects/bookings, they show potential talent & clients that they can deliver. 

Quality of Client & Talent Feedback

As with anything else, the quality of feedback from an agency’s clients & talent speaks volumes about them. It helps you gauge how they work as an agency. If their reviews are mostly negative, it’s best to proceed with caution if you plan to work with them. If it’s mostly positive, it could serve as an assurance that you’re working with a good team.

Commitment & Sincerity

Here’s a fact: a child agency in Melbourne can only commit to doing their best to promote your child. The decision to hire still falls on each client. So, be wary if a talent agency guarantees work for your child. They don’t have the final say. Clients do. 

Still, as we mentioned above, those who do their best to market & utilise different strategies gets an advantage. On that, the right agency will not only commit to promoting your kid but also do it with sincerity. They won’t just put your child forward for the sake of doing so. They will put their heart into it. They will make sure to represent your child as best as they could.

Friendly & Personalised Talent Management by Casting Kids

Here at Casting Kids, we make sure to provide a friendly & personalised approach in managing our talent & their families. The same goes for our clients. By having an intimate understanding of each child we represent, we can best put them forward. About this, we strive to promote diversity & inclusion in the industry. We do this by promoting kids of all abilities including those with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome & limb differences. 

Then with our years of experience & by continuously studying the market, we have the highest chance of catering to what our clients look for. So, if you’re looking for a child agency in Melbourne, we’re just a call or email away. Alternatively, you can also reach us through Facebook or Instagram. We’re eager to help you discover & nurture your child’s potential.

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