When you’re looking for children’s agents to represent your young one, one of the most common questions is about the cost. There are usually two different fee types that you’ll find when it comes to agents. Both have their positives and negatives, but let’s take a closer look and see how they work. Here are the different costs for hiring children’s agents.


One way that agents organise their fee structure is with a commission. This means that there are no costs associated with joining the children’s agency. However, if your child secures work, you’d be required to pay a percentage to the agent.

This is quite a common fee structure, and the amount can range from 10% – 20% depending on the agent. In some ways, this is a fair arrangement because as a parent, you only pay for an agent’s services if your child earns income.

On the downside, it means an agency can essentially represent hundreds and hundreds of kids, but only put effort into finding work for the children they think are most likely to earn money.

Children’s agents registration fees

Another way to structure fees is by charging a registration fee. Here at Casting Kids, we prefer this option. We set a standard registration fee of $395 per year. This helps to pay for professional photo shoots, a profile on professional networks and 12 months of representation.

We prefer this because it still gives us a level of control over who we represent. Not everybody can register, and we only take children on if we think we can really find work for them. This way, we work equally as hard for all of our kids. If parents don’t see any results, they won’t register for another year.

So, agencies that charge a registration fee have to work hard for their clients, otherwise, they won’t generate an income.

Which is best?

It really comes down to personal preference. Each system has its pros and cons. We’ve outlined why we prefer a registration fee structure. We feel that it’s better for parents and children, while also keeping us motivated to put all of our children forward for appropriate jobs. It also ensures there are equal funds dedicated to things like photoshoots.

Ultimately, it’s a parent’s choice and in the end, it probably isn’t even the biggest concern. More important is feeling that you’re well represented and that you have a good rapport with the agent. You need to feel confident that they have the relevant industry connections and clients that you’d want your child working for.

While some may argue against registration fees, you generally get what you pay for when something is free.

Looking for the best children’s agents in Melbourne?

If you want high-quality representations from children’s agents who really care about your child’s future, look no further. Casting Kids has been representing children of all ages from 0-16 for many years now. We’ve built an impressive list of clients and we’ve had great success in finding regular work for our dedicated, hard-working kids. To find out more, contact us at Casting Kids today.

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