Your children are the most precious thing in your life, so you always want to make the right choices for them. If they’re interested in acting or modelling, you only want to consider trusted talent agencies in Melbourne. Even though you’ll be with your kids the whole time, you wouldn’t trust them to just anybody. So how do you find the right talent agencies to work with? Here’s a few tips to consider!

Firstly, do your research

Doing your research is the most important step you can take when considering acting or modelling for your kids. Of course, you want a great company with lots of industry contacts and clients, but safety is paramount. So, its important to check online for testimonials and ask for recommendations.


A talent agency’s reputation is your number one concern. Before you even worry about costs, likelihood of success or any other factors, you want a trustworthy agency to work with. You can check for recommendations online, read reviews, and also read carefully through their website.


Cost is another consideration when choose representation for your child. Some will ask for a percentage of earnings, while others charge an annual registration fee. At Casting Kids, we favour an annual fee because it ensures we’re working hard for all our kids.

Client base

Naturally, if you’re paying a registration fee, you’d like to know your talent agency has plenty of jobs coming in. While there’s never any guarantee of work, because the decision ultimately lies with the client, a good client base lets you know the agency has a reputation for quality.

Acting, modelling, or both?

Another thing you might like to consider is what your child specifically wants to do. Are they only interested in acting, or do they also want to try some acting? Some may feel comfortable in a modelling setting but not want tackle the acting side of things.

Most child talent agencies in Melbourne will handle both disciplines. However, it’s good to be clear on what your child wants to do, because it makes future discussions easier.

Contact talent agencies in Melbourne directly

Finally, the best thing you can do is contact talent agencies directly. Often, you simply need to meet with them to find out if they’re a good fit. Here at Casting Kids, we always arrange a meeting as a starting point, because we love to get to know you and your child first.

When you meet with any potential agencies, you can ask all of the questions you like, and they will no doubt have some for you too. In any meeting, look for transparency and honesty. Agencies who promise the world won’t necessarily be the right fit. Once you’re comfortable though, you can look forward to a great relationship with your new talent agency in Melbourne!

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