Build your resume

Build a resume that is easy to read. Include your name, phone number, email address and address in the top left corner of the page. Include acting experience and education on your resume. If you have been in any shows or commercials before, list them here along with any awards won for acting. List any special skills such as dancing or singing as well if they apply to what you want to do professionally as an actor.

Get the right training

The next step is to get the right training. You will need to learn how to act, sing and dance and improve your voice and speech. A good drama school will teach these skills in a fun way and make them easier for you to pick up as well as help build confidence in yourself.

A good drama school will also teach public speaking so that when it comes time for auditions you can deliver a great performance on stage or in front of the camera no matter how nervous you may feel at first.

Have professional photos taken

Look for a photographer who has experience working with children. Headshots are part of the process, so it’s important to have these. Photos help clients to identify whether you have the right look for their commercial or another acting role. If you’re going to join a talent agency, you can hold off on this suggestion though. That’s because reputable child talent agencies usually include professional photos. It’s all part of how to become a child actor in Australia.

Get an agent

Agents are the people who represent actors and actresses, helping them find work in projects as well as negotiate their contracts with producers. If you don’t have an agent representing your interests, it can be difficult for producers who are looking for new talent to find out about your skillset. Look for a reputable child agency like Casting Kids, and half your work is done!

Need help with how to become a child actor in Australia?

Casting Kids has been representing children from babies through to 16 years old for more than a decade. As a fully inclusive casting agency, we work with all children of all abilities. If your child wants to get into the entertainment industry, we would love to meet them. We like to meet all of our children and families so that we can understand their goals and interests and help them reach their full potential as actors. It is our goal as an agency to provide a safe, fun and enjoyable experience for every child who joins us whether they are professional actors or just starting out.

For the best child acting agency in Melbourne, contact Casting Kids today and find out how we can help.

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