Tag Archives: acting for kids in melbourne

How to Navigate the World of Acting for Kids in Melbourne

acting for kids in melbourne

How many children have you heard say they want to be famous? Or they want to be in the movies like their favourite actors? It’s not an uncommon dream for youngsters, but it’s not quite always as simple as getting an audition and snaring a role.

There’s a lot that goes into helping kids pursue a dream of acting, so here’s some tips to help guide you through.

Ensure your child really want to try acting

Firstly, make sure your child is serious about giving acting a try. Wanting to be like Captain Marvel or their favourite TV stars is one thing. But really wanting to get up and perform in front of people is another.

Do your research, and find out exactly what’s involved in acting for kids in Melbourne. Talk to your child about the whole process, and see how they feel. If they’re not too serious about it, it’s better to find out now rather than later!

Find a reputable casting agency

The most important step in starting a career in acting is finding a reputable casting agency. You want to find one with plenty of regular clients, preferably larger names who advertise regularly. This gives your child more opportunities to attend auditions.

Likewise, look for an agency who really cares. Your child won’t get the support they need from an agency solely focused on money.

Preparation is the key for auditions

Once you child starts getting referred to auditions, it’s really their time to shine! However, standing in front of a casting director and being adorable isn’t always enough. If there are lines involved, your child should do everything in their power to learn them and be comfortable saying them in front of people.

For more involved roles, help your child really get a feel for the character and practice performing as them. Help your child dress appropriately for the roll also, and they’ll have every chance of success.

Acting for kids in Melbourne and school

If your child lands a regular gig on a TV show, the questions is always asked whether school will be affected. Well, the short answer is, school will change. Filming may occur during school times, but most productions involving children will help out with tutors. Aside from that, smaller productions and auditions may also occur during school hours. So, you’ll need to manage this effectively. We find that talking to schools in advance is a great option to ensure your child doesn’t fall behind.

Keep checking in with your kids – is it still fun?

Finally, make sure you’re always checking in with your kids. Unfortunately, their interests and passions change quite regularly. If they’re only attending auditions because they think you want them to, they’re not going to have as much fun. Always check in to see if they’re really enjoying themselves and whether acting for kids in Melbourne is still something they want to do.

The best agency to help with acting for kids in Melbourne

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years. We treat all of our kids with the utmost respect and work hard get them in front of casting directors for our many clients. To find out more, contact us today.