If you’ve got a youngster who loves performing, then you’ve probably considered getting them an agent. This makes sense because the entertainment industry can be difficult to navigate if you’ve never been involved before. You’ll have more success finding acting and modelling jobs with the help of children’s agents. But how exactly does an agent help your child? Let’s look further into what you should know before hiring an agent.

How much does an agent cost?

Before we get too far into things, you should consider the cost of an agent. However, a low cost (or even no cost) is not always the best way to go. Most children’s agents charge some kind of fee. For example, at Casting Kids, we charge a $450 annual registration fee. This covers professional photography, a profile on Casting Networks and of course, 12 months of representation from your agent.

We choose to operate with an annual fee because it motivates us to work hard for ALL of our kids, not just the ones who get the most work. Some agencies might charge no upfront fees but take a percentage of earnings. This works in some cases, but it does mean the agent is likely to invest more time into the most successful children.

How do children’s agents find work?

Typically, the most common way for you to find work through an agent is by attending auditions. Your agent will let you know that there’s an audition coming up, and they can refer your child if they’re deemed suitable. This is the usual way that people find work through an agent.

In terms of where these auditions come from, it’s usually through regular clients. So, your children’s agency will have a list of regular clients they work with. Those clients contact the agent to advise they’re shooting a commercial or running auditions for a TV show (or whatever the job might be). It’s then up to the agent to determine which children on their roster are suited to attend an audition.

For this reason, you’ll want to choose an agent with a strong client list. Here at Casting Kids, our clients include quality brands and companies such as Bonds, Target, Myer, Cotton On, Village Cinemas, Country Road and many, many more. This is how we provide regular opportunities for the children we represent.

Do children’s agents guarantee work?

Unfortunately, there is never a guarantee of work. It’s our commitment to represent all children fairly and equally. But the final call on acting and modelling jobs is made by the client. More specifically, the casting director who runs the auditions. So, while we provide plenty of audition opportunities, we can’t guarantee your child will be successful.

Looking for an agency to help your child’s career?

Here at Casting Kids, we represent children from ages 0-16, and we’re a fully inclusive agency. That means representing children of all abilities and promoting diversity within the entertainment industry. We treat all of our children and their families with honesty and respect. If you’re ready to start your child’s acting or modelling journey, contact us today.

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