You might be wondering, do kids get jobs as extras in film and TV? Well yes, they sure do! Any film or TV show with scenes in a school or public place is likely to have kids and teens in the background. While extras work isn’t the glamorous life a movie star that kids dream of, it’s a step in the right direction. It can also generate some income along the way. So, how do extra castings work, and what should you expect?

Finding extra castings

The first step is to find roles for extras. You may not even need a casting agent for this, as many jobs are advertised on job websites and other outlets. This is because extras don’t need any particular set of skills, except for following direction. Therefore, you may not even be required to attend an actual casting.

However, if you’re registered with a casting agent and they receive a request for some willing extras, don’t be surprised to get a call. It’s certainly a chance to see how a production set works.

Prepare for the role, no matter how minor

Extras don’t need to memorise lines, but they do need to follow a few instructions. Sometimes, casting directors may put the call out for extras dressed a certain way. For example, they’re filming a scene involving a kid’s cricket game. So, they will want children of a similar age wearing cricket clothes. They may be seeking these extras because the production budget doesn’t include a bunch of cricket uniforms, so they want extras who already own them.

If your extras casting has these sorts of requirements, make sure you know exactly what’s expected. Your regular clothes will usually be fine, but you will be told in advance. Also, productions can’t wait around, so always be there early and ready to go.

Listen to instructions

When you’re on set, you don’t have a lot of responsibilities as an extra. But here’s where that saying, “You had one job,” could really apply if you mess up. All you really need to do is follow direction. You might be in a group of diners at a table. Perhaps swimming laps of a pool. You could also simply be strolling past behind the main scene. The role of an extra isn’t very high-pressure, so just make sure you listen while on set, and follow your instructions.

Looking for kid’s extra casting?

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years, and our main focus is finding perfect roles for our clients. If that includes extras casting, we would always discuss with you first. To find out more, contact us today.

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