So, you’ve got a little one showing a bit of flair for performance? Of course, we don’t mean the routine performing of tantrums! Many children show a genuine fondness for being the centre of attention. They’re happy, smiling, and live singing or dancing in front of the family. If that sounds like your child, they may be the perfect candidate for kids modelling or acting.

It can be a great way to make a little extra money, whether it’s for school or a car when the kids are older. Plus, they’ll get a kick out of knowing they earned that money themselves. But of course, wanting to be involved in modelling and actually getting involved are two different things. It can be difficult to find work, which is why you should look into a kid’s talent agency if you’re serious about pursuing a career for your little ones.

Here are some of the different kinds of kids modelling and acting jobs available.

Print/online media

While we don’t see as many paper catalogues in the mailbox these days, there is still plenty of work available for child models. In fact, there’s probably more work than ever. Producing a catalogue costs money that many small clothing manufacturers or retailers simply don’t have. But they all have websites that need professional images to highlight their products.

So, there are lots of jobs out there for kids modelling, especially if your little ones love dressing up in new clothes and posing for the camera!

Kids modelling and acting in commercials

The other place we see a need for models and child actors is on the small screen. Television commercials are still widely popular, and again, the digital age has made this area of work even more prevalent. Much like catalogues, getting an advertisement on TV during prime time costs a lot of money, meaning many businesses can’t afford it.

However, they certainly can afford to make short online advertisements that play wither on their own website, social media channels or on YouTube. With so many different sources of advertising these days, kids are always needed for commercials.

TV and movies

It’s a bit of a step up, but TV shows and movies always need child actors. The roles can vary from being an extra to having a lead role, but there are always opportunities out there. For these jobs, you definitely need a children’s talent agency to get involved. Successful child actors usually have some form of formal or at least semi-formal acting training.

If this is an avenue your child would like to pursue, we recommend getting them involved in drama or acting classes, modelling classes, and even singing or dance lessons. The more string your child has to their bow, the more opportunities they will get.

Looking for the best kids modelling and acting agencies?

Casting Kids has over 16 years of experience working with children of all ages. We’re an inclusive agency, registering children with all abilities. For a child’s agency that cares, look no further than Casting Kids.

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