Tag Archives: auditions

Auditions for Kids: How to Prepare

acting auditions melbourne

So, you’ve got your child a casting agent and audition offers are rolling in. But how can you help them prepare? Here are some ideas you can use when getting ready for auditions for kids.

Understand the role

Firstly, it’s important that you understand the role your child is auditioning for. This is where your referring casting agency should be able to give you plenty of information. It might be as simple as understanding that the job is for a clothing commercial or modelling for a camping goods store. Whatever the role is, you’ll be able to plan better if you know the details.

Don’t worry about getting everything absolutely perfect for an audition. Casting directors understand that you don’t have all the details for the job. But with a general idea, you can at least plan accordingly, such as getting the right clothing.

Help your kids with clothing choices

Speaking of clothing, try to make an effort for auditions. We’ve heard stories of parents who make unique outfits for every single audition. You don’t’ need to go that far, but any effort in this area is obviously appreciated by directors. For example, if you know that the ad is going to feature some cute kids dressed in suits, that’s what you should wear.

If you know the commercial will feature kids outside playing in the sun, make sure they’re wearing trendy kid’s summer fashion. It’s not a make-or-break scenario, but any way that you can stand out to the director is a good thing.

Practice with your kids

If your agency has given you any special details for an audition, for example, some lines, make sure you help them practice. This is where kids who are interested in acting and modelling really need some family support. It’s hard to practice reading lines alone, especially for kids.

So, put aside some time before the audition and help your kids run through the lines. Not only will you be able to give them some pointers, but the practice will give them a confidence boost on audition day.

Reinforce an element of fun rather than pressure

Most importantly, auditions for kids should always be fun. Even if your child is determined to make acting their career from a young age, you should never overburden them with pressure. There will be other auditions, and they need to learn that missing out on jobs is just part of life.

The added benefit here is that kids who are stressed often don’t perform well at auditions. When they’re relaxed and having fun, the casting director gets a much better idea of their personality.

Need help getting auditions for kids?

Casting Kids has been in business for over 16 years. We’ve helped countless children get their break in acting or modelling. Our client list is constantly growing, meaning we have more and more opportunities for child actors. If you’d like to know more, click the button below and contact us for registration. We meet all of our kids and their parents before registration, and we’re always happy to answer any questions you may have.

What do Casting Directors Look for in Auditions?

child acting auditions Melbourne

Have you thought about helping your child get into the world of acting? It’s a lot of fun, great for self-confidence and gives kids an opportunity to shine. But for parents, it can also be a tricky industry to navigate. Even if you’ve got a great kid’s talent agency on your side, it’s hard to know what to expect from auditions.

Casting directors all have different needs depending on the individual job. However, there are a few common things that nearly all casting directors look for when holding auditions. Here’s some great advice to help your kids prepare for auditions.

Personality is everything

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a modelling shoot, a TV shoe or a TV commercial. Casting directors love kids with personality. In most cases, especially in advertising, directors are looking for smiling, happy kids to be in commercials. Whatever product they’re selling, they want to create excitement and joy around it. So, if your child has a happy demeanour and loves performing, they should do well at auditions.

Remembering lines

Depending on the role, casting directors might like to hear some dialogue from kids in auditions. If lines are expected, you’ll be given these beforehand so you can help your child prepare. This can add extra stress to the process, so it’s a great idea to go over the lines with your child well before the audition. Kids actually have a great memory for things like this, so you shouldn’t worry too much. Have you ever read storybooks to a child, only to find they can recite most of the book to you before they can read? It’s often the same if they practice their lines enough!

The right temperament

Temperament is also very important when it comes to auditions. Casting directors understand that small children get distracted or struggle in very rigid environments. So, they certainly do make an effort to create a fun audition environment. But at the end of the day, it’s a business, and they need children who can take direction.

All children get distracted, but if you can help your child to focus and listen clearly to instructions, it could give them the advantage in an audition scenario. Directors love working with children who can get the job done with minimal fuss. So, if your child is prone to temper tantrums at the drop of a hat, they may not be a perfect fit for the acting world!

Let us help find the best auditions for your child

At Casting Kids, we’ve got a reputation for being professional and kind. We promote diversity and inclusion, representing children of all abilities. We’re also extremely dedicated to finding work for all of our kids, so you can be assured that we’re putting your child’s name forward to casting directors. We love helping out kids reach auditions and succeed! If you’d like to find out more about the best kids talent agency Melbourne has to offer, contact us today at Casting Kids.