Tag Archives: kids auditions melbourne

Auditions for Kids: How to Prepare

acting auditions melbourne

So, you’ve got your child a casting agent and audition offers are rolling in. But how can you help them prepare? Here are some ideas you can use when getting ready for auditions for kids.

Understand the role

Firstly, it’s important that you understand the role your child is auditioning for. This is where your referring casting agency should be able to give you plenty of information. It might be as simple as understanding that the job is for a clothing commercial or modelling for a camping goods store. Whatever the role is, you’ll be able to plan better if you know the details.

Don’t worry about getting everything absolutely perfect for an audition. Casting directors understand that you don’t have all the details for the job. But with a general idea, you can at least plan accordingly, such as getting the right clothing.

Help your kids with clothing choices

Speaking of clothing, try to make an effort for auditions. We’ve heard stories of parents who make unique outfits for every single audition. You don’t’ need to go that far, but any effort in this area is obviously appreciated by directors. For example, if you know that the ad is going to feature some cute kids dressed in suits, that’s what you should wear.

If you know the commercial will feature kids outside playing in the sun, make sure they’re wearing trendy kid’s summer fashion. It’s not a make-or-break scenario, but any way that you can stand out to the director is a good thing.

Practice with your kids

If your agency has given you any special details for an audition, for example, some lines, make sure you help them practice. This is where kids who are interested in acting and modelling really need some family support. It’s hard to practice reading lines alone, especially for kids.

So, put aside some time before the audition and help your kids run through the lines. Not only will you be able to give them some pointers, but the practice will give them a confidence boost on audition day.

Reinforce an element of fun rather than pressure

Most importantly, auditions for kids should always be fun. Even if your child is determined to make acting their career from a young age, you should never overburden them with pressure. There will be other auditions, and they need to learn that missing out on jobs is just part of life.

The added benefit here is that kids who are stressed often don’t perform well at auditions. When they’re relaxed and having fun, the casting director gets a much better idea of their personality.

Need help getting auditions for kids?

Casting Kids has been in business for over 16 years. We’ve helped countless children get their break in acting or modelling. Our client list is constantly growing, meaning we have more and more opportunities for child actors. If you’d like to know more, click the button below and contact us for registration. We meet all of our kids and their parents before registration, and we’re always happy to answer any questions you may have.

What do Casting Directors Look for in Auditions?

child acting auditions Melbourne

Have you thought about helping your child get into the world of acting? It’s a lot of fun, great for self-confidence and gives kids an opportunity to shine. But for parents, it can also be a tricky industry to navigate. Even if you’ve got a great kid’s talent agency on your side, it’s hard to know what to expect from auditions.

Casting directors all have different needs depending on the individual job. However, there are a few common things that nearly all casting directors look for when holding auditions. Here’s some great advice to help your kids prepare for auditions.

Personality is everything

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a modelling shoot, a TV shoe or a TV commercial. Casting directors love kids with personality. In most cases, especially in advertising, directors are looking for smiling, happy kids to be in commercials. Whatever product they’re selling, they want to create excitement and joy around it. So, if your child has a happy demeanour and loves performing, they should do well at auditions.

Remembering lines

Depending on the role, casting directors might like to hear some dialogue from kids in auditions. If lines are expected, you’ll be given these beforehand so you can help your child prepare. This can add extra stress to the process, so it’s a great idea to go over the lines with your child well before the audition. Kids actually have a great memory for things like this, so you shouldn’t worry too much. Have you ever read storybooks to a child, only to find they can recite most of the book to you before they can read? It’s often the same if they practice their lines enough!

The right temperament

Temperament is also very important when it comes to auditions. Casting directors understand that small children get distracted or struggle in very rigid environments. So, they certainly do make an effort to create a fun audition environment. But at the end of the day, it’s a business, and they need children who can take direction.

All children get distracted, but if you can help your child to focus and listen clearly to instructions, it could give them the advantage in an audition scenario. Directors love working with children who can get the job done with minimal fuss. So, if your child is prone to temper tantrums at the drop of a hat, they may not be a perfect fit for the acting world!

Let us help find the best auditions for your child

At Casting Kids, we’ve got a reputation for being professional and kind. We promote diversity and inclusion, representing children of all abilities. We’re also extremely dedicated to finding work for all of our kids, so you can be assured that we’re putting your child’s name forward to casting directors. We love helping out kids reach auditions and succeed! If you’d like to find out more about the best kids talent agency Melbourne has to offer, contact us today at Casting Kids.

Advice to Succeed in Auditions for Kids

acting auditions melbourne

So, you’ve signed up with a casting agency and your child is excited about the prospect of doing some acting or modelling. But how about the next step? The audition process can be daunting, especially for first-timers. So, how do you get your child ready to smash that audition out of the park and charm the socks off the director? Here’s some useful tips!

Prepare, prepare, prepare

Preparation is the key to most things in life. It’s especially true for auditions for kids! Firstly, it’s important to understand the role. This is more particular for acting, but even modelling, you’d want to know what kind of photo shoots are occurring. For acting, if it’s a particular role your child is going for, help them understand that role.

You can talk it through with them and even help them practice. Let them have some fun with the character, and if there’s lines, you definitely want to help them practice those. It just makes it so much easier when the audition comes around.

Be yourself

Although being in character is important, in most auditions for kids, the director is looking for personality. So, tell your kids it’s ok to be themselves. Let their personality shine through during the audition, and you never what it might lead to. Even if the director doesn’t think your child is right for one role, they may have something else that’s perfect for them.

Choosing the right age roles to audition for

When deciding which auditions to attend, pay attention to the age range. Some casting calls may require a certain age-range, and that’s fine. But others may simply state they need someone to play a 12-year-old female character, for example. If your daughter is 14 or 15 but they look young, there’s no reason not to audition. It’s very common for actors to play younger roles, and directors also love it. They get a slightly more mature actor, potentially a more skilled actor, without compromising the actual role itself.

Remember to keep auditions for kids fun

One of the most important things you can do to help your child prepare is to keep it fun. Auditions for kids are usually a pretty fun experience, and you don’t want them getting too nervous. Keep it light, don’t put pressure on them, and treat it as the fun experience it should be.

Clothing advice for auditions

Clothing is important when attending auditions for kids. Some auditions might ask for a specific style of clothing, while others are open to interpretation. Even if a clothing requirement isn’t specified, it doesn’t hurt to try and match what you think the character would look like. We don’t recommend you go overboard buying clothes for every audition, but if your child is going for a particular role, it certainly doesn’t hurt to look the part.

The best auditions for kids

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years. If your child is interested in acting or modelling, we’d love to hear from you. With a strong client base and regular opportunities, we know we can represent your child the right way. find out more, contact us today.

Where Do You Find Auditions for Kids in Melbourne?

kids auditions melbourne

So many parents struggle to find auditions for kids in Melbourne, even if their child is super keen to try acting. Many people also think it’s a really closed-off industry and impossible to get into. Well, here at Casting Kids we can certainly assure you that isn’t the case. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities out there if you know where to look.

Here are some ideas you can try if you’d like to find auditions for kids in Melbourne.

Use social media

Is there anything you can’t find on social media? People use it for so many different things, and finding auditions is no exception. It can take a bit of searching, but you can certainly find auditions and casting calls on social media.

When searching, make sure you follow any reputable companies you find along the way. This way, you can be notified in future and you’ll also be able to get in quickly. Social media is a great way to build your own little network, so use it to your advantage!

Join a reputable casting agency

Being registered with a casting agency is an excellent way to get exclusive access to auditions. Casting agencies work on your child’s behalf, putting them forward for auditions they think are suitable. This takes a lot of the hassle out of it from your end.

In addition, you’re also getting a shot at working for well established companies who use these casting agencies. To find out what to look for in a quality, reputable agency, read our blog here. Casting agencies often have a fee, but the rewards are certainly there because you’re not searching all around town for acting jobs. In a sense, they come to you!

Search online for auditions for kids in Melbourne

This one might be a no brainer, but searching online is an obvious way to find auditions. Casting calls are often advertised online, but you need to know where to look. Search classifieds, join child acting forums, and also try Google searches. Everything is there if you look hard enough. We do strongly suggest researching any company you apply to first though, because safety is paramount.

Find auditions for kids in Melbourne with Casting Kids

Casting Kids are always on the lookout for children with a bit of attitude and flair. We’re also strongly supportive of promoting differently abled kids who want to try their hands at acting. Diversity is important to us. Clients and parents trust us, because our reputation for professionalism has been built over many years. If you want to find auditions for kids in Melbourne, contact us today. We’d love to meet your family and see how we can help!

Kids Casting Melbourne – Advice for Auditions

kids casting melbourne

Does your child love acting? Plenty of children do, and we love watching their personalities shine, either in school plays or even just at home. However, if they’re looking to take the next step into an acting career, they’ll need to know all about how kids casting in Melbourne works. Landing an acting gig isn’t as easy as putting on a show for the family, so we’re here to help. Here’s some handy hints to help your child prepare for casting!

Memorise lines and practice, practice, practice

When your child is scheduled for an audition, they will be given some lines ahead of time. This gives them the opportunity to learn them, and also to rehearse however they feel comfortable. We strongly recommend helping your child understand the importance of learning lines.

We often think children would struggle with this, but the fact is they have incredible memories when they put their mind to it. Younger children first develop this ability when we read storybooks to them. Even before they can read, they can still remember the words to every page of a kid’s book!

So, help them out, get them feeling comfortable, and practice, practice, practice.

Dress appropriately for the role

It probably goes without saying, but if your child is heading to an audition they should dress for the role. That doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on outfits or go overboard. However, if the role is for a child living in a seaside Australian town, for example, their clothing can be quite normal. If the commercial or TV show they’re auditioning for has a more formal setting, then a suit may be more appropriate.

If the casting people can see your child auditioning and looking similar to their own vision for the character, it can go a long way to helping land the part.

Make sure your child knows casting in Melbourne should be fun

Finally, remember that kids casting in Melbourne should be fun. While acting should be taken seriously, kids are still kids. They need to have fun and should never feel like they’re under too much pressure. Take some time to talk to your children about the process, and let them know it’s ok to have fun.

After all, it’s a child’s personality that often wins people over. So, make sure your child is ready to bring their whole wonderful self to an audition!

Want the best kids casting Melbourne has to offer?

Kids casting agencies in Melbourne aren’t all created equal. However, we’re happy to say that we have a reputation in the industry for our professional and personalised service. We deliver for our clients, and also the children we represent. If your child wants to get involved in acting, contact us today. We’d love to meet your family discuss how we can help.

Nail Auditions for Kids in Melbourne

auditions for kids melbourne

Unlike adults, kids need more help to do well in auditions. This is especially true if the role they’re auditioning for has a very specific breakdown. A breakdown details the kind of character a casting director needs. In this post, we will discuss how your child can nail auditions for kids in Melbourne. While we’ve mentioned that talent agencies like us cannot guarantee that your child will be booked every time, we can give sound advice on how they can do well. 

Preparation is Key

Whether you’re helping your child prepare for an audition for a television commercial, series or film, preparation is always key. To do well means to prepare well.

Ask about the details.

Talent agencies usually provide you with the details of different auditions for kids in Melbourne. However, if it wasn’t given, make sure to always ask. Particularly, you can ask what your child should wear & if you can get a copy/script (if there is one).

Memorise & practise.

Once you have the copy, grab every opportunity to help your child memorise their lines & practise. Some lines may be foreign to them. Try your best to explain what it means. Children, just like adults, can best deliver their lines when they understand it. Furthermore, encourage them to try saying their lines in different ways. Why? During auditions for kids in Melbourne, casting directors may want them to deliver the script in a specific way.

Additionally, also run through the entire script if you have it. We know this takes time but knowing the entire story greatly helps. This will enable your child to act & say their lines within the right context.

Don’t focus on the little details too much.

As a parent, it’s natural to want your child to land the role. So, you do your very best to follow the prescribed outfit & look of the character. But don’t overdo it. Of course, we want them to look presentable but remember to focus on what’s important. And that’s to help them make the character their own which ultimately rests on their acting ability.

Speaking of outfit, make sure that they’re comfortable with what they’re wearing to auditions for kids in Melbourne as well. We don’t want them to be distracted. This can happen if they don’t feel confident about how they look or due to something as simple as itchy fabric.

Prepare them for possible rejection.

As we’ve mentioned, we cannot assure that your child will land each role they audition for. On this, we also advise helping them manage their expectations. It’s good for them to be confident but also prepare them for a possible rejection. Tell them that no matter how great they perform, someone else may still be chosen. This is not their fault & is the prerogative of the clients.

Have fun.

We know that acting is hard work but don’t forget to have fun with your child. More importantly, ensure that through everything, they find joy in what they’re doing. At the end of the day, they are still kids. They want to enjoy. So, auditions for kids in Melbourne should be no different. 

Then if they don’t get hired for the role, just reassure them. Praise them for doing their best & tell them that there are still other roles out there.

Start your child’s acting career with Casting Kids!

Whether you’re still thinking about it or are set on your child’s acting career, Casting Kids can help. With over a decade in the industry, we’ve helped kids build their acting careers. Just call us at 1300 020 285 or send an email to office@castingkids.com.au to have a chat. Alternatively, you can also reach us via Facebook or Instagram.