Tag Archives: child acting

How to Start Child Acting in Melbourne

child acting

Does your child love being in the spotlight? Always eager to perform in front of family and friends? Not every child is interested in, or suitable for acting, but so many children enjoy the art of performing. If yours wants to explore acting as a career, or even just a way to make a little extra money, there are plenty of ways to do it.

Get involved in school drama

The way that many children generate an interest in acting is through school. It might be school plays, drama classes or other opportunities to perform. If your child expresses an interest in acting, this is definitely the first place you should look. Most schools encourage the performing arts and therefore your child should have many chances to see if they enjoy it.

The great thing about this is there’s very little cost. So, if they decide they don’t like performing, you’ve lost nothing but some time.

Acting and dance classes

The next step, if your child does enjoy performing, is to get them enrolled in some more professional classes. Depending on their age, acting and dance classes aren’t necessarily too full-on. But they will learn the basics of performing. They also learn how to follow directions and develop coordination skills. Again, if your child realises they don’t enjoy it, that’s ok. Trying things is exactly how they discover what they’re passionate about.

Find child acting representation

You can try to find auditions advertised online or elsewhere. That’s certainly how some people are discovered. However, getting auditions through a reputable casting agency is a much better way to go. Firstly, you’ll end up working with clients who have been ‘vetted’ by the agency. This means they should provide safe working environments, be reliable with payment and understand how to work with kids.

Secondly, you’ll get more exposure to a range of auditions. Reputable child acting agencies usually have a lot of clients, plenty of work, and more opportunities for your child.

Prepare for auditions

Finally, to get that first acting job, your child will need to do well at auditions. Your casting agency can help with tips, but it’s all about preparation. Check out our article here for some more ideas on audition preparation. Nail those auditions, and there’s no telling how far your child could go. The world of acting is a lot of fun, so if your child loves it, encourage them wherever possible.

Want to start your child acting?

Casting Kids has been representing children from babies through to 16 years old for more than a decade. As a fully inclusive casting agency, we work with children of all abilities. If your child wants to explore the world of acting, we’d love to meet them. We like to meet all of our kids and families so that we can understand your child’s goals and interests. It’s that personal service that sets us apart from the rest.

For the best child acting agency in Melbourne, contact Casting Kids today and find out how we can help.

A Child Agency Melbourne Parents Can Trust

child agency melbourne

Is your child interested in acting or modelling but you don’t know where to start? That’s perfectly normal! Even seasoned professionals struggle to find their way through the entertainment industry. So, that’s where we come in. Casting Kids is a professional child agency in Melbourne, helping children and parents to navigate a new industry.

Here’s what sets us apart from the crowd.

Representing children of all ages

We represent kids of all ages, starting at 6 months old, right through to 16 years. Our clients are always looking for a variety of ages, from babies to infants to toddlers and also teens. We don’t focus on one specific age group, because we believe every child needs quality representation, regardless of age.

A strong client base

We’ve got an impressive client base who contact us regularly for referrals. We maintain this because we respond our clients’ requests and meet their needs. It’s also why we offer a great selection of jobs. Everything from catalogue modelling through to TV show appearances, we’ve got it all. So, if its variety you’re after, we can deliver.

Honest, transparent communication

Our communications with you and your child are always honest and transparent. Right from our first meeting, we’ll be upfront with you about opportunities. In fact, we don’t even sign everybody who walks through the door. So, if we genuinely don’t think we can help your child find work, we won’t take your money.

That’s why we work on an annual registration basis. Agencies who work on percentage commissions have no incentive to represent their entire roster of children. By charging annual registration fees, we also commit to working hard for every child on our books.

A child agency in Melbourne who cares

We don’t just refer kids to auditions and sit around waiting. We also show genuine care for our kids and parents. If you’ve got questions or concerns at any time, we’re always here for you. We’re even happy to provide advice and tips on how to get through auditions.

We represent children of all abilities

We’re passionate about promoting diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry. That’s why we won’t discriminate on any basis. We represent kids of all abilities, including Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome and limb differences. If a child is passionate about acting or modelling and has the right personality traits, we’d love to work with them!

Looking for the best child agency in Melbourne?

Here at Casting Kids, we take our job seriously. It’s not just about keeping our clients happy. Its also not just about finding jobs for our kids. It’s both of those things, but it’s also about showing genuine care and compassion in everything we do. The acting and modelling world can be difficult to navigate, whether you’re an experienced actor or just starting out. So, we’re here to help guide you through the process.

We love what we do, and we’d love for you and your family to be a part of it! To find out how we can help kickstart your child’s acting and modelling career, contact us today.

Can You Get Auditions Without Children’s Agents in Melbourne?

children's agents melbourne

Looking for children’s acting and modelling auditions, but don’t know where to turn? Let’s look at whether you need children’s agents in Melbourne to find your child some work.

What do children’s agents in Melbourne do?

Children’s agents in Melbourne serve as a conduit between aspiring young actors and models, and the clients who want to hire them. All agencies are different, but here at Casting Kids we only register the children we genuinely think we can find work for. That gives us the best chance of keeping all of our kids happy by providing real opportunities.

Clients put the call out to their trusted agencies, who refer their best talent for jobs.

The question is, do you really need an agency? While there are certainly other ways to break into acting and modelling, we believe parents need to consider those avenues very carefully. Here’s why.

Safety and security at auditions

While you certainly can answer an advertisement online looking for child actors or models, we would advise to tread very carefully. Your child’s safety and security should always be the number-one consideration. When dealing with an agency, you can usually be assured the clients are legitimate and professional. When answering classified ads, you really have no idea what kind of situation you could be walking into.

The best clients use children’s agents in Melbourne

Acting and modelling is a little different to other jobs. While we don’t want to paint a negative picture of the industry, there’s a big difference between a reliable client and those with less experience. Simply, if your child is selected for an acting or modelling job, you want to know they’ll get paid. You don’t want amateur clients who promise payment ‘if and when this or that happens’.

Usually, the best clients who have their business in order use children’s agents in Melbourne. By working with clients your agency has already vetted, you have peace of mind that it will be a professional operation.

Casting directors prefer kids from an agency

One of the main reasons you should consider children’s agents in Melbourne is reputation. When casting directors put a call out for auditions, they’re more likely to give preference to children who come from an agency. That’s because they don’t have time to waste auditioning every child who wants to be an actor or model.

Children’s agents in Melbourne have a good reputation for referring children who are suitable a particular role. Think of it like the casting agency doing the shortlisting so directors don’t have to. For that reason, they’re much more inclined to hire from an agency rather than ‘off the street’.

Finding reputable children’s agents in Melbourne

Casting Kids has spent several years in the entertainment industry, helping kids of all abilities from age 6 months to 16. In that time, we’ve learned how to truly help our kids achieve success at auditions. We’ve also built up an impressive list of quality, trusted clients we’re comfortable with. If you’re looking for reputable children’s agents in Melbourne, look no further. We’d love to have a chat about your child’s future in acting or modelling, so please contact us today.

Being Part of a Kids Movie Cast Melbourne – Things You Need to Know

extra castings melbourne

Has your child landed a role in a movie? Being part of a kids movie cast in Melbourne is a great stepping stone for all aspiring actors. However, as parents it can be a little daunting, especially if it’s the first time your youngster has been part of a production.

Most kids movie productions are aware there will be first-timers on set, and they also know how to run such productions. But you still want to make a great impression and see your kids have fun. So, here’s some things you should know to get the best out of your kids movie experience.

Keep your excitement under wraps

Many productions will ask actors and parents of actors to sign some form of confidentiality agreement. It’s quite common practice and doesn’t mean anything sinister. Basically, it means you need to keep production details to yourself. While it can certainly be tempting to let the world know your child has a role in a movie, it’s best to keep that excitement under wraps.

This means no posting on social media about the production and certainly no sharing of on-set photos. Most movies like to maintain an element of privacy, because it protects both the production and everyone involved.

Be ready to follow instructions

Most importantly, your child will need to be great at following instructions. Experienced directors certainly know what they’re doing. A kids movie cast in Melbourne requires a little more patience. However, most filming schedules are tight and the crew doesn’t have time to wait around.

We certainly recommend talking to your child before heading to set, because they need to know what to expect. Make sure they understand that when the crew need them to do something, it’s important they listen.

This also goes for the parents, or whoever is responsible for getting the children to the set. Punctuality is paramount, because when the crew is ready to shoot, everyone needs to be ready. There’s a lot of people relying on you, so being courteous and showing up on time is important.

Prepare for down-time in a kids movie cast

A movie with several child actors will normally have things in place to keep kids amused. Children need to be ready at all times, even if they’re only required for a few scenes. This can mean a lot of down-time on set.

Make sure you’re equipped to keep children occupied – it could be with schoolwork, books, toys – whatever works for your little one!

Want to join a kids movie cast in Melbourne?

The best way to get involved in a kid’s movie cast is to sign your child up with a reputable kids casting agency. At Casting Kids, we offer a personalised, friendly and also professional service that you’ll love. We’d also love to get to know your child, so contact us today!

Where Do You Find Auditions for Kids in Melbourne?

kids auditions melbourne

So many parents struggle to find auditions for kids in Melbourne, even if their child is super keen to try acting. Many people also think it’s a really closed-off industry and impossible to get into. Well, here at Casting Kids we can certainly assure you that isn’t the case. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities out there if you know where to look.

Here are some ideas you can try if you’d like to find auditions for kids in Melbourne.

Use social media

Is there anything you can’t find on social media? People use it for so many different things, and finding auditions is no exception. It can take a bit of searching, but you can certainly find auditions and casting calls on social media.

When searching, make sure you follow any reputable companies you find along the way. This way, you can be notified in future and you’ll also be able to get in quickly. Social media is a great way to build your own little network, so use it to your advantage!

Join a reputable casting agency

Being registered with a casting agency is an excellent way to get exclusive access to auditions. Casting agencies work on your child’s behalf, putting them forward for auditions they think are suitable. This takes a lot of the hassle out of it from your end.

In addition, you’re also getting a shot at working for well established companies who use these casting agencies. To find out what to look for in a quality, reputable agency, read our blog here. Casting agencies often have a fee, but the rewards are certainly there because you’re not searching all around town for acting jobs. In a sense, they come to you!

Search online for auditions for kids in Melbourne

This one might be a no brainer, but searching online is an obvious way to find auditions. Casting calls are often advertised online, but you need to know where to look. Search classifieds, join child acting forums, and also try Google searches. Everything is there if you look hard enough. We do strongly suggest researching any company you apply to first though, because safety is paramount.

Find auditions for kids in Melbourne with Casting Kids

Casting Kids are always on the lookout for children with a bit of attitude and flair. We’re also strongly supportive of promoting differently abled kids who want to try their hands at acting. Diversity is important to us. Clients and parents trust us, because our reputation for professionalism has been built over many years. If you want to find auditions for kids in Melbourne, contact us today. We’d love to meet your family and see how we can help!

Kids Casting Melbourne – Advice for Auditions

kids casting melbourne

Does your child love acting? Plenty of children do, and we love watching their personalities shine, either in school plays or even just at home. However, if they’re looking to take the next step into an acting career, they’ll need to know all about how kids casting in Melbourne works. Landing an acting gig isn’t as easy as putting on a show for the family, so we’re here to help. Here’s some handy hints to help your child prepare for casting!

Memorise lines and practice, practice, practice

When your child is scheduled for an audition, they will be given some lines ahead of time. This gives them the opportunity to learn them, and also to rehearse however they feel comfortable. We strongly recommend helping your child understand the importance of learning lines.

We often think children would struggle with this, but the fact is they have incredible memories when they put their mind to it. Younger children first develop this ability when we read storybooks to them. Even before they can read, they can still remember the words to every page of a kid’s book!

So, help them out, get them feeling comfortable, and practice, practice, practice.

Dress appropriately for the role

It probably goes without saying, but if your child is heading to an audition they should dress for the role. That doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on outfits or go overboard. However, if the role is for a child living in a seaside Australian town, for example, their clothing can be quite normal. If the commercial or TV show they’re auditioning for has a more formal setting, then a suit may be more appropriate.

If the casting people can see your child auditioning and looking similar to their own vision for the character, it can go a long way to helping land the part.

Make sure your child knows casting in Melbourne should be fun

Finally, remember that kids casting in Melbourne should be fun. While acting should be taken seriously, kids are still kids. They need to have fun and should never feel like they’re under too much pressure. Take some time to talk to your children about the process, and let them know it’s ok to have fun.

After all, it’s a child’s personality that often wins people over. So, make sure your child is ready to bring their whole wonderful self to an audition!

Want the best kids casting Melbourne has to offer?

Kids casting agencies in Melbourne aren’t all created equal. However, we’re happy to say that we have a reputation in the industry for our professional and personalised service. We deliver for our clients, and also the children we represent. If your child wants to get involved in acting, contact us today. We’d love to meet your family discuss how we can help.