Tag Archives: kids casting

The Importance of Diversity when Casting for Kids

casting for kids

When casting for kids, how much do you think about diversity and inclusion? Or do you already have a set idea in your mind of how children should look in your advertising? As a business leader, your advertising speaks to millions of Australians, and all of those people have a right to be represented.

A representation of all Australians

Businesses have a great opportunity to lead the way when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Because marketing and advertising are so prevalent in our society, people look up to big companies. So much so, that really successful ad campaigns become part of our culture and live on for years after they air. So, advertising is a great chance to show that your brand represents all Australians.

We have a rich multicultural lifestyle in Australia. We’ve also made great strides in how we view disabilities. As such, brands need to show that they recognise all people as equal. When you’re casting for kids, think about how you can accurately reflect all of Australian society. It’s

Promote yourself as a caring brand when casting for kids

One of the other reasons to actively seek out diversity in your advertising campaigns is a little more self-serving. The fact is, businesses in today’s world perform better when they adopt a genuine social conscience. Whether it’s promoting charities, implementing environmentally friendly practices, or representing everyone in their ad campaigns.

Customers want to connect with a brand, and in most cases, they do this a lot more easily if they can see a brand stands for something. By casting for kids and including a diverse representation of children in your marketing material, you show yourself to be a caring, inclusive brand.

Everybody has different abilities

It’s no secret that everywhere you go in life, people have different traits that make them amazing. Some are funny, some are generous, some are technically brilliant. The same applies in the acting and modelling world. Kids of all different races, religions, physical ability and appearance have something to offer.

When we decide whether to not to represent a child, it’s based on a number of things. However, we never turn away someone for being differently abled. What we truly look for is that spark, that special something that makes kids great for acting or modelling. It might be temperament, a child’s laugh, or just a certain charisma, but everybody brings something unique to the table.

The best casting for kids is right here

At Casting Kids, we’ve got a reputation for being professional and kind. While we don’t represent every child, we certainly do meet with all aspiring actors and models. We promote diversity and inclusion, representing children of all abilities. For transparent, honest representation that can really help your child’s career, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’d like to find out more about casting for kids, auditions, or how we can help make your advertising campaigns a success, contact us today at Casting Kids.

Tips to Ace Casting for TV

casting for TV

Do your children dream of having their name up in lights on TV? Believe it or not, there are plenty of pathways for children to carve out a career in acting, and it doesn’t mean they have to go on reality TV! However, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for kids is the audition. Casting for TV isn’t as easy as it sounds, because it’s a lot more involved than say a modelling shoot, or even advertising auditions.

If you want to help your kids bring their best selves to casting for TV, here are some tips to give them confidence.

Prepare, prepare, prepare

Much like everything in life, preparation is the key to getting noticed during casting for TV shows. Most television roles will have a speaking component, which means you’ll be given some lines before the audition. If your child doesn’t quite get the lines right, it’s not the end of the world. But if they can nail it, they give themselves a great chance of winning a role.

We always recommend talking to your kids about the character they’re auditioning for. If you can get them in the mindset of that character, they’ll be able to shine during casting. Kids are exceptionally good at playing roles and having fun with characters, so don’t be afraid to encourage their creativity.

Dress for the part

Casting for TV doesn’t involve full costumes, but there’s an expectation your children will dress appropriately for the part. If the role is for a child living in a country town, don’t have them dress in their Sunday best. Likewise, if the role was for a science fiction film, be creative. You’re not expected to spend hours making alien costumes, but finding something a little out of the ordinary is a great touch.

Again, creativity is the key, and it doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. Just consider the role, and dress your child the way you think the character would dress.

Keep casting sessions fun and don’t stress

It might be easier said than done when children are so excited at the prospect of getting a role. But if they’re getting stressed and anxious, they won’t perform as well during casting for TV. Try and keep everything light-hearted and easy on the day. If your child is happy and relaxed, they can really show the casting directors their best side.

Acting skill beats looks every time

Finally, don’t let your children be too concerned about looks. There’s a misconception that ‘showbusiness’ is all about looks, but that’s not really the case. Many of the world’s greatest actors are hardly oil paintings. Encourage your child to focus on their acting skills, memorising lines, and give them the confidence to be themselves.

Do you want casting for TV in Melbourne?

Casting Kids represents children from 6 months to 16 years-old. We embrace diversity, and promote our children to a range of respected companies. We can help you get to those elusive casting sessions, and then it’s your time to shine! To find out more, contact us today.

How to Ace Casting for Teens

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

Teens looking for acting work can be overwhelmed at times. Let’s face it, there’s a lot going on. School, possibly casual jobs, hormones, relationships changing. It’s a difficult time, so if you throw some acting auditions in there too, it can be stress city. Casting for teens isn’t always a walk in the park, that’s why it’s important to know what to expect and do a few simple things to make life easier.

Here’s a few tips that can make it easy for teens to nail those auditions!

Preparation is the key

There’s probably nothing more important than preparation. Casting for teens is just like a job interview, and you wouldn’t turn up unprepared to one of those. Think of your director like your potential new boss. If possible, you should research what they’ve done before, because this might give you some insight into what they like to see from their teen actors.

You should also prepare for the specific role you’re auditioning for. It’s not just about memorising lines, although this is obviously important. Think about what you can bring to the character and how you want to present your version of the character.

Don’t be afraid to audition for younger roles

In the acting world, many actors end up playing younger roles. This is particularly common in the younger age groups because directors will favour an older, more experienced actor who can appear younger. However, as teens, you’re kind of stuck between taking young teen roles or older roles.

Older roles are often more demanding and may not be appropriate, depending on the production. Sticking with younger roles is not only more appropriate, but it also gives you more options and a better chance.

Worry about acting over looks

There is a lot of pressure on teenagers when it comes to looks. Peer pressure, social media influence – it all seems to conspire into a situation where teens are worried about their looks. But, take a look around on TV and in movies. There’s a popular misconception that acting is only for the so-called ‘beautiful people’. The fact is, the acting world has roles for absolutely any appearance type.

Furthermore, acting ability is far more important than looks. Let the makeup artists and costume designers worry about that while you bring the best acting you can to all casting for teens.

Find the best kids talent agency in Melbourne

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years, so if you’re looking for casting for teens in Australia, look no further. To find out more, contact us today.

Kids Casting Melbourne – Advice for Auditions

kids casting melbourne

Does your child love acting? Plenty of children do, and we love watching their personalities shine, either in school plays or even just at home. However, if they’re looking to take the next step into an acting career, they’ll need to know all about how kids casting in Melbourne works. Landing an acting gig isn’t as easy as putting on a show for the family, so we’re here to help. Here’s some handy hints to help your child prepare for casting!

Memorise lines and practice, practice, practice

When your child is scheduled for an audition, they will be given some lines ahead of time. This gives them the opportunity to learn them, and also to rehearse however they feel comfortable. We strongly recommend helping your child understand the importance of learning lines.

We often think children would struggle with this, but the fact is they have incredible memories when they put their mind to it. Younger children first develop this ability when we read storybooks to them. Even before they can read, they can still remember the words to every page of a kid’s book!

So, help them out, get them feeling comfortable, and practice, practice, practice.

Dress appropriately for the role

It probably goes without saying, but if your child is heading to an audition they should dress for the role. That doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on outfits or go overboard. However, if the role is for a child living in a seaside Australian town, for example, their clothing can be quite normal. If the commercial or TV show they’re auditioning for has a more formal setting, then a suit may be more appropriate.

If the casting people can see your child auditioning and looking similar to their own vision for the character, it can go a long way to helping land the part.

Make sure your child knows casting in Melbourne should be fun

Finally, remember that kids casting in Melbourne should be fun. While acting should be taken seriously, kids are still kids. They need to have fun and should never feel like they’re under too much pressure. Take some time to talk to your children about the process, and let them know it’s ok to have fun.

After all, it’s a child’s personality that often wins people over. So, make sure your child is ready to bring their whole wonderful self to an audition!

Want the best kids casting Melbourne has to offer?

Kids casting agencies in Melbourne aren’t all created equal. However, we’re happy to say that we have a reputation in the industry for our professional and personalised service. We deliver for our clients, and also the children we represent. If your child wants to get involved in acting, contact us today. We’d love to meet your family discuss how we can help.