Tag Archives: casting for teens

Casting for Teens in Australia: Tips and Tricks for Parents

casting for teens

As your teen grows, so too does their dream of acting, right? Stepping into the spotlight of Australia’s entertainment industry can be exciting. However, successfully navigating casting for teens can be overwhelming without the right guidance. Let’s journey together and uncover some insights to make this ride smoother for you and your budding star.

Be encouraging but not overbearing

First and foremost, your teen’s enthusiasm for acting requires nurturing. Offering praise and recognising their dedication can fuel their passion. However, it’s a delicate balance. While being their cheerleader is essential, being too forceful might lead to added pressure. Remember, their journey into acting should be driven by their love for the craft, not solely by external motivations. Instead of pushing, try to be there to support, uplift, and guide when they seek your advice.

Prepare for casting for teens with acting lessons

There’s no doubt that raw talent can get you so far. But casting for teens requires a little more than raw talent. Acting lessons can be an absolute game-changer because they refine your teen’s skills and offer insights into the technicalities of acting. Australia is home to several esteemed acting academies, where seasoned professionals offer guidance tailored for teens. Moreover, these classes can be a brilliant opportunity for networking, allowing your teen to rub shoulders with industry insiders and potentially get a foot in the door.

Casting for teens requires careful preparation

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Preparation is key,” which couldn’t ring truer in the casting world. Start by thoroughly researching the role your teen is auditioning for and the production house behind it. This understanding can give them an edge, as they can tailor their approach to precisely what’s expected. On the day, ensure they are well-rested, relaxed, and have their lines learned. A comprehensive portfolio with headshots and past acting experiences can also set them apart from the crowd. They’re set to make a lasting impression with all this in hand.

Encourage teens to let their personality shine

In the acting world, while skill is essential, personality sets actors apart. Directors aren’t just looking for someone who can memorise lines. They want individuals who bring unique nuances to a character. Encourage your teen to embrace their quirks and peculiarities. Remind them that these little idiosyncrasies often make a character memorable and relatable. Instead of moulding themselves to fit a particular look, they should aim to stand out by being unapologetically themselves.

Need help with casting for teens in Melbourne?

You don’t need to worry if this all feels like venturing into the great unknown! For those based in Melbourne, the Casting Kids team has your back. Specialising in representation for budding actors and models, Casting Kids is the help you might need in the big world of teen casting. We understand the nuances of the industry and can guide you every step of the way. Fancy learning more? Contact us today to find out more.

Child Talent Development: Cultivating Your Child’s Acting Skills

child talent development

Child talent development is a fundamental concept for parents who are looking to cultivate their child’s acting skills. This process doesn’t simply involve recognising and nurturing abilities, it goes much further by refining these skills through focused training and exposure to meaningful opportunities. In the context of Australia’s vibrant and competitive entertainment industry, a well-designed talent development strategy can serve as the foundation for successful acting careers. Importantly, each child’s talent development journey is unique, necessitating an approach that is sensitive to their individual strengths, interests, and aspirations.

Importance of professional training in acting

The role of professional training in child talent development cannot be overstated. Registering your child in high-quality acting classes can open doors to numerous opportunities while building their self-assurance and stage presence. These structured courses provide insights into various acting techniques, including script interpretation, body language, voice modulation, and emotive expression. When choosing an acting school, it’s essential to consider several factors such as the institution’s reputation, its curriculum, the qualifications of trainers, and how well it aligns with your child’s personality and future goals.

The benefits of participating in local productions

Aside from formal training, encouraging your child’s involvement in local productions can offer a practical, hands-on experience. This significantly contributes to their talent development. Whether it’s school plays, community theatre, or local television productions, each experience serves as a stepping stone, building resilience and familiarising them with the auditioning process. These practical engagements also provide a platform for your child. They will put their learned skills into practice, fostering a better understanding of the acting industry’s dynamics.

Personal growth: A crucial aspect of child talent development

While developing acting skills is undoubtedly important, personal growth plays an equally vital role in child talent development. Cultivating soft skills such as effective communication, resilience, empathy, and patience can be as valuable as honing performance skills. These essential qualities can provide an additional edge during auditions and enable your child to handle the inevitable highs and lows of an acting career with grace, understanding, and positivity.

Striking the right balance: A key to successful talent development

Balance is a key element in child talent development. It’s crucial to ensure that your child can juggle their school commitments, acting endeavours, and personal time effectively. While this can often be challenging, it’s important to ensure they have time for relaxation, academic pursuits, and social activities along with their acting commitments. This balanced approach helps prevent burnout, maintains enthusiasm for their acting journey, and ensures they continue to enjoy their childhood.

How Casting Kids can facilitate your child’s talent development

Casting Kids, one of Australia’s leading child talent agencies, is committed to fostering and nurturing your child’s acting abilities. We believe in creating a supportive environment that promotes holistic talent development while connecting them with prime acting opportunities. Our mission is to support your child’s acting career every step of the way, making their journey enjoyable and rewarding. Contact Casting Kids today for more information on how we can help your child’s talent development journey.

Why Casting for Teens is Different Than for Younger Children

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

Casting for teens is often a totally different process than say, casting for babies or younger children. Essentially, more is expected of teens, and the roles they audition for are likely to be more involved. Whether it’s learning lines, working with costumes and other actors, or simply adopting more of a character-based role, it’s important that teens know what’s expected of them. With that in mind, here are some of the reasons casting for teens can be a lot different than what they have experienced as younger children.

It’s difficult to find a good teen actor

Firstly, when casting for teens, directors need to take into account that the actor’s schedule might be busier. They may be in school or working. They could also have sports or other extracurricular activities they need to attend to. Because of this, it can be difficult to find good teen actors who are available on the days and times you need them.

All this really means is that you might find there is less competition for teen roles. Actors might not be available, or they may even step away from acting after trying it as a kid. With that being said, auditions aren’t a walk in the park, and there will still be plenty of competition for good roles.

Teens are more capable of taking direction

One of the key differences between kids’ casting and teens’ casting is the fact that teens are more capable of taking direction and listening to the director. Second, they may need to be more collaborative with other actors, or work with props and costumes. This is not always the case when casting younger children, but there is a little more expected of teens. The great thing is, teens are still encouraged to show their personality and express themselves during auditions.

Casting for teens is more likely to involve learning lines

As we mentioned above, teens are more capable of learning and reciting lines, so there is more expected of them during an audition. It really depends on the role, because not every acting job involves a speaking role. However, most of them do, so your teen will need to be prepared to learn lines before an audition.

In some cases, they may only be given lines on the day, so if they area skilled at reading lines and memorising them quickly, they will have a big advantage over other aspiring actors. This is a skill you should definitely encourage your child or teen to pursue.

Need help with casting for teens?

Casting for teens is a bit different than casting for younger children. It’s more likely that you’ll need to learn lines and take direction, which can be difficult for some teens. We’ve been casting for teens and children in the Melbourne area for years and have developed a strong reputation. If your child wants excellent representation in the entertainment industry, contact us today.

Casting for Teens – How to Prepare

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

If your child has been involved in acting or modelling for a while, you’ll know what to expect. You’ve been through auditions and casting calls, and you’re probably a pro at it by now. However, if you have a teenager who is just starting to show an interest in this line of work, you’ll need a little advice to get you going. Even if your child has been involved in acting, performing or modelling before, but they’ve now reached their teenage years, the casting for teens is a little different.

When children are much younger, there’s less importance placed on appearance and the ability to learn lines. The roles are usually smaller, and most directors also know that toddlers and younger children won’t be professional actors. But for teens, a little more is expected. Let’s take a look at how casting changes as your child grows.

A certain look

The entertainment industry has grown significantly in recent years when it comes to diversity. Casting Kids has always represented children with different abilities, but the industry as a whole is still evolving. Despite this evolution, many casting directors have a particular ‘look’ in mind if they’re running a photo shoot or a commercial.

This isn’t even necessarily about race, weight, or anything like that. They just have a certain look in mind. They might want a scruffy teenager, for example. Or they might want an athletic teenager. It just depends on the role. But the good thing is, you should be able to find out what look the director wants, and help your teen to dress and groom themselves appropriately.

Casting for teens – learning lines

As a young child, learning lines isn’t necessarily a part of the casting process. In some cases, your child might have one line to say, but that’s about it. Casting for teens is a little different because they usually have more prominent speaking roles. This is more common for commercials and TV shows, so when getting ready for an audition, you might need to help your child learn some lines to impress the director.

Taking direction

Finally, whether it’s during a casting audition or actually on set, being able to take direction is a must. Your teenager needs to listen to what the director is saying, and respond accordingly. This is a bit different than the younger age groups, where it’s commonly accepted that small children aren’t great at taking direction. So, make sure your teenager is ready to respond when a casting director asks them to act or perform a certain way.

Need help with casting for teens?

Here at Casting Kids, we represent children up to the age of 16, and we have plenty of opportunities for keen, talented teens. With an impressive client list, we can do a lot to help your child or teen kickstart their career. Whether it’s acting or modelling, Casting Kids gives your child the best chance for success. If you’d like to find out why so many people choose Casting Kids, contact us today. We’d love to hear from you!

Is Casting For Teens Different Than Casting for Younger Kids?

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

If you’ve got a teen who is interested in acting or modelling, they will need to get used to casting. Casting for teens is the process of holding auditions to determine who is best suited to a role. For younger kids and babies, auditions aren’t too difficult. But when children become teenagers, the expectations are a bit higher.

We expect a different level of maturity and behaviour from teens in everyday life, and casting directors expect more too. Here are some of the big differences between casting for teens and casting for younger children.

Learning lines

In the case of casting for teens in acting roles, one of the biggest differences is that casting directors expect a little more. That usually surfaces in the form of learning lines. Prior to an audition, teen actors might be given part of a script to learn, because they’ll need to perform it at the audition.

This expectation doesn’t really exist for babies and younger kids, because their roles often don’t have lines. Not all teen roles have lines either, however it is more common. So, if you’ve got a teen who is following their acting dreams, they’ll need to be good at practising and memorising lines

Casting for teens clothing

While appearance isn’t everything, many casting directors indeed want a certain look. Teens who audition for roles should have a good understanding of the character. It could be for a commercial on the beach, in which case, casual beach clothing is expected. The role may call for the teen to wear a suit, so your teen should dress accordingly for the audition.

As a parent, you’re not dressing your teen anymore. However, it pays to be aware of these requirements so you can guide them through the audition process.

Ability to take direction

When younger children attend auditions, they don’t need to take a lot of direction. That’s because casting directors are more just looking for a certain personality, temperament or look. However, as children get older, there’s an expectation they can take direction.

For example, your teen may have learned some lines before the audition. They perform those lines, but the director wants to see a little more. They may ask the actor to perform in a certain way, and they expect that a teen actor can handle that.

It could be showing different emotions, reading different lines or even auditioning for an entirely different role. It pays to be ready for anything when auditioning.

Need help finding casting for teens?

Casting Kids has become known as one of the most respected child modelling and acting agencies. That’s because we have genuine care for our kids, and we also have an impressive list of clients. This means more audition opportunities for your child, and a better chance of success. We’re fully inclusive, and will represent any child from 0-16 regardless of abilities. To find out more about how we can help your child achieve their dreams, contact our friendly team today.

When to Look for Casting Agents in Melbourne

casting agents melbourne

Has your child shown an interest in acting or modelling? Do you often get told by others that your child could be on TV? These are both some good signs that you might want to consider looking for casting agents in Melbourne. Of course, just because a child loves being the centre of attention, that doesn’t mean they’re ready for stardom. But it’s certainly a sign that you may want to look further into the performing arts.

Here are a few other ways you might know it’s time to consider an agent.

Your child wants to be an actor

The first one is pretty obvious, of course, and that’s when your child tells you they want to be an actor. Many children say this, however, there are certain kids who really mean it. So, if your child says they want to act, why not explore this further with them?

Ask if they would be interested in taking acting lessons. Maybe there’s a school play they could try out for. Of course, you can try to get an agent straight away, but it’s always a good idea to see if children really like acting or modelling first. They may love the idea of being on TV, but they also might be terrified of performing in front of people, so it’s always best to test the waters first.

They perform well in productions

For most kids, the need for a casting agent doesn’t come out of nowhere. Often, they will already be interested in performing. Whether it’s dancing in front of family and friends, singing in a choir or acting in a school play, there are many ways for kids to show their desire to perform.

If your child is already having fun performing in local arts society plays or school productions and you think they’ve got something special, it might be time to consider a casting agent in Melbourne.

You notice other kids getting opportunities

We don’t suggest that you thrust your child into acting just because other kids are doing it. However, if you notice that other children are going to auditions or appearing in TV commercials, it might be worth thinking about. As long as your child is interested, of course. Acting and modelling are professions you should never push kids into. But if they want to, and they see their friends having fun with it, why not give it a try?

Want casting agents in Melbourne you can trust?

Casting Kids has a long history of representing children with all abilities. Our kids range from babies up to 16 years old. We’ve got a strong reputation in the industry because we always deliver great kids to our clients. This is why so many clients trust us.

If you think your child has what it takes to be an actor or model, we’d love to meet you. We don’t sign every child who applies, because we want to be certain we can find work for them. If we don’t think that’s likely, we won’t take your registration fees. Having said that, we are completely inclusive and don’t discriminate against any child who wants to be a star!

Contact Casting Kids today to find out more about how we can help you and your child. We’re the casting agents in Melbourne you can trust.

Casting for TV: What do Directors Look For?

casting for tv

When casting for TV, there are some key attributes directors are looking for in their ideal child actors. Television roles, when attached to a successful program, enable your child to have reliable, consistent work for an extended period of time. Depending on their character’s storyline, this can mean many years of ongoing employment. (Think Kate Ritchie as Sally Fletcher in Home & Away). But landing this type of role can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so your child needs to have the range and versatility to play a number of different characters at the drop of a hat.

These tips should assist in audition preparation, and help your child stand out and secure work in television.


Character work in TV requires your child to stay on their toes and be adaptable to new situations. Depending on the role, time spent working on the same set can be finite and means your child is jumping from one character to another in very short succession. Therefore, the ability to immerse themselves in a new role quickly is vital to perform successfully in auditions.

When directors are casting for TV, your child’s adeptness at representing a diverse range of characters is something they will be paying close attention to. With particular emphasis on your child’s portrayal of the character in relation to the overall storyline, casting directors are looking for actors who not only recite the scripted lines but embody the essence of the role. With skill and confidence.


As mentioned, confidence is a crucial component of auditioning for TV roles. When casting for TV, directors want an actor who is not afraid to put every bit of skill and energy into their character portrayal. Because passion for performance and preparation are two aspects of acting that really shine through. A child who is completely invested and loves performing will be obvious to a casting director.

Increasing confidence in acting and developing the ability to execute a successful audition is difficult. So, your child should take the time to learn as much as possible about the television industry. And even study other performers they admire. Furthermore, your child should hone their skills by practising in front of the mirror at home. Even performing for friends and family, and taking part in local productions to build their self-esteem and confidence. Your child will make the best, most lasting impression on a director who is casting for TV.


Probably the most important aspect casting directors are looking for, is an actor who has prepared for their audition. Your child needs to absorb themselves in the character and have the ability to perform the lines without prompting or referring to the script.

Additionally, your child should be prepared to be challenged during their audition. Casting directors may wish to observe your child’s ability to improvise while remaining in character. This shows the director that your child has understood the concept of the story, and is not just reciting lines. Learning about the role and the character will demonstrate your child’s commitment and dedication to the role. And when casting for TV this is something directors will notice and make your child stand out at auditions.

Casting for TV opportunities

When you are looking for casting opportunities for a TV role, get in touch with Casting Kids. Our dedicated talent agents are experienced in finding acting work for children from the age of 0-16 years. Our knowledge of the entertainment industry and list of reputable clients will enable your child to access some of the biggest names in TV.

So, contact Casting Kids today to book a consultation and discuss how we can help your child achieve their acting dreams.

Casting For Teens: What Directors Look For

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

So, you are a teen interested in acting? Great! Acting is a fantastic outlet for creativity, boosts confidence and builds useful social skills. Plus, you can start earning some money for yourself! The entertainment industry can be intimidating for a newcomer and having some idea on what to expect can be extremely handy. What is involved? And what are directors looking for when casting for teens?

Generally speaking, when casting for teens directors are searching for many different capabilities and traits during the audition process. However, most will have a few key aspects they will focus on. Here we will discuss some of the main things you should concentrate on when auditioning.

Stand out from the crowd

Personality plays a major role in casting for teens. In most cases, directors are looking for teens with a positive and enthusiastic attitude. Whatever the audition, commercial, TV show or movie role, to put your best foot forward you need to show you are eager to work. Turning up to the audition appropriately dressed, lines memorised, with a friendly demeanour will demonstrate to the casting director that you are serious about the audition.

Perform with confidence

Passion for performance really shines through. A confident, self-assured teen who loves performing in front of others will be obvious to a director casting for teens.

You should take the time to learn about the industry, study other performers and broaden your range to make the most of every audition you attend. Practice in front of the mirror, perform for friends, and sign up for the school play to really hone your skills. A teen who has put in the hours prior to an audition, and has the confidence to throw everything into the performance will make a lasting impression.

Prepare and adapt

More often than not, an audition will require you to learn scripted lines. Before the audition, the lines will be given to you so you can read and prepare. Above all else, you need to practice, practice, practice! You can’t over-prepare in the entertainment industry! Preparation is the key to success when auditioning. Knowing the material off-book will definitely put you in good stead for securing the role.

Additionally, when casting teens directors might challenge you by asking you to perform some improvised lines at the audition. Being able to quickly adapt while staying in character will be an extremely valuable skill for you to have. Therefore, preparation will play a huge part in achieving this. Learning the role and a bit about the character itself will help you perform any ad-hoc changes to the script.

Interested in casting for teens in Melbourne?

At Casting Kids, our focus is on finding work for all of our clients. We represent children and teens of all abilities up to 16 years of age, and pride ourselves on our personalised approach to each individual child and their family.

If you are looking for a talent agency that cares, contact us at Casting Kids. As one of the most trusted, professional talent agencies in Melbourne, you can be confident you will receive the best opportunities to succeed in the entertainment industry.

Casting For Kids: What’s Involved?

casting for kids

Many parents out there have probably thought about getting their sone or daughter involved in acting and modelling. Children love being the centre of attention, and some show more enthusiasm for performing than others. So, if you’ve got a youngster who has some flair and interest in performing, acting and modelling could be just the thing for them.

But how do you actually get children involved? Of course, they can get into drama at school, or even externally take some classes. But to actually get them into the industry, you’ll need to explore casting for kids. That’s the way they can really get their break, so here’s what you need to know.

Choosing a reputable child talent agency

Firstly, you need to seek out a reputable casting agency. Much like us here at Casting Kids, there are agencies who specialises in representing children and babies. However, as parents you naturally want to make sure your children are protected. That means finding an agency with a good reputation.

When choosing a casting agency, look for ones who show genuine care for their kids, and also ones who have a range of good clients.

Casting for kids: Meeting your casting agent

Once you’ve chosen a casting agent, you’ll attend a first meeting. This is usually so the agent can learn more about your child and your family. You’ll talk about goals, expectations, and the agent will decide whether they’d like to offer registration to your child.

Good casting agencies don’t register every child, because they want to be sure they can find work for the kids. A reputable agent will be honest and tell you if they’re not confident finding work for your child.

Referrals to casting directors

The next step is a referral to casting directors. This is where a company puts the call out to casting agencies, seeking suitable kids to audition. If your child fits a particular job, your agent will let you know that an audition will be coming up.

This referral process usually happens behind the scenes, and you might not be notified of every single referral. This is because ultimately the client has the final say on who they’d like to see. This is another reason you want to have confidence that your agency is truly representing your child well.

Attending auditions

If your child is lucky enough to be selected for an audition, that’s where the preparation begins. You’ll be given information about the client, the job and what’s expected at audition. Casting for kids is a fun process, and it’s important you and your child are relaxed. Generally, directors want to see your child’s personality shine. So, while there’s certainly a need to remember lines and be familiar with characters in some instances, mostly, it’s all about having fun.

Want the best casting for kids in Melbourne?

Here at Casting Kids, we represent children of all abilities from ages 6 months through to 16 years. Contact us at any time if you have questions, or to find out more about what we do here at Casting Kids.

Tips to Ace Casting for TV

casting for TV

Do your children dream of having their name up in lights on TV? Believe it or not, there are plenty of pathways for children to carve out a career in acting, and it doesn’t mean they have to go on reality TV! However, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for kids is the audition. Casting for TV isn’t as easy as it sounds, because it’s a lot more involved than say a modelling shoot, or even advertising auditions.

If you want to help your kids bring their best selves to casting for TV, here are some tips to give them confidence.

Prepare, prepare, prepare

Much like everything in life, preparation is the key to getting noticed during casting for TV shows. Most television roles will have a speaking component, which means you’ll be given some lines before the audition. If your child doesn’t quite get the lines right, it’s not the end of the world. But if they can nail it, they give themselves a great chance of winning a role.

We always recommend talking to your kids about the character they’re auditioning for. If you can get them in the mindset of that character, they’ll be able to shine during casting. Kids are exceptionally good at playing roles and having fun with characters, so don’t be afraid to encourage their creativity.

Dress for the part

Casting for TV doesn’t involve full costumes, but there’s an expectation your children will dress appropriately for the part. If the role is for a child living in a country town, don’t have them dress in their Sunday best. Likewise, if the role was for a science fiction film, be creative. You’re not expected to spend hours making alien costumes, but finding something a little out of the ordinary is a great touch.

Again, creativity is the key, and it doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. Just consider the role, and dress your child the way you think the character would dress.

Keep casting sessions fun and don’t stress

It might be easier said than done when children are so excited at the prospect of getting a role. But if they’re getting stressed and anxious, they won’t perform as well during casting for TV. Try and keep everything light-hearted and easy on the day. If your child is happy and relaxed, they can really show the casting directors their best side.

Acting skill beats looks every time

Finally, don’t let your children be too concerned about looks. There’s a misconception that ‘showbusiness’ is all about looks, but that’s not really the case. Many of the world’s greatest actors are hardly oil paintings. Encourage your child to focus on their acting skills, memorising lines, and give them the confidence to be themselves.

Do you want casting for TV in Melbourne?

Casting Kids represents children from 6 months to 16 years-old. We embrace diversity, and promote our children to a range of respected companies. We can help you get to those elusive casting sessions, and then it’s your time to shine! To find out more, contact us today.