Tag Archives: modelling agency for kids

Is There Work for Child Modelling in Melbourne?

child modelling agencies melbourne

If you’ve been curious about whether there’s potential for child modelling in Melbourne, you’ve come to the right place. The beautiful city of Melbourne, known for its vibrant culture and arts scene, has a significant media and advertising industry, presenting plenty of opportunities for young talents. Let’s find out all about child modelling in Melbourne.

Different types of jobs for child modelling in Melbourne

Firstly, Melbourne isn’t just about fashion runways. Modelling takes many forms, such as catalogues, fashion shows, digital media and much more. So, what types of child modelling jobs can you expect to find in Melbourne?

  1. Print Ads: Think about those huge billboards you come across while driving, or magazine spreads that catch your eye. Often, businesses look for young models to convey a particular message or evoke specific emotions in their audience.
  2. TV Ads: Remember those cereal or toy commercials that almost make you wish you were a kid again? Television commercials remain a significant avenue where young models shine brightly.
  3. Fashion Modelling: Melbourne’s fashion industry is continually evolving. From local boutique launches to renowned fashion events, there’s no shortage of runways for child models to strut their stuff.
  4. Websites: Many businesses nowadays maintain an online presence. Whether it’s for clothing brands or educational products, they frequently need child models for website content.

Modelling classes can help you nail an audition

Now that you can see the range of modelling opportunities out there for kids, it’s time to start nailing those auditions. This is where modelling classes come into play. These sessions are not just about walking with grace or striking a pose. They instil confidence, teach discipline, and offer insights into how the industry works. Most importantly, they prepare young talents for auditions, ensuring they leave an impression that’s hard to forget.

Ensure you have reputable child modelling representation

Navigating the modelling world can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially to newcomers. It’s crucial to have someone experienced by your side, guiding your little model’s journey. Partnering with a reputable agency ensures you’re informed about genuine opportunities while avoiding potential pitfalls. They have your child’s best interests at heart, ensuring not just jobs but the right kind of exposure and experience.

Find child modelling jobs in Melbourne

If your child is ready to start attending auditions, you first need to know where to find them. Here are a few options to try.

  1. Get an agent: An agent is your child’s ticket to the best gigs in town. They have connections, know the industry inside out, and can present opportunities that you might not even be aware of.
  2. Social media ads: It’s the digital age, after all! Brands and agencies often put out casting calls on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Just ensure they’re from credible sources.
  3. Online auditions: Websites often post audition calls. Always vet these opportunities. Ensure they’re genuine and from reputable organisations. Remember, safety first!

Need help with child modelling in Melbourne?

If the world of child modelling seems daunting, don’t despair just yet. Casting Kids is here to help. Dedicated to representing young talent, we guide child actors and models in Melbourne, ensuring they have the best start to their careers. Want to learn more? Reach out, and let’s discuss how your child can shine in the spotlight!

Child Talent Agencies in Australia: Your Ultimate Guide

child talent agencies Australia

Choosing the right child talent agency in Australia is vital in steering your child’s acting or modelling career in the right direction. Agencies act as bridges, connecting promising talents with potential opportunities in the industry. They provide professional representation for your child, negotiate contracts, and nurture talent development, while ensuring the child’s interests are protected. Their primary goal is to enhance your child’s chances of landing lucrative gigs and to facilitate a smooth career progression.

The importance of a child talent agency’s reputation

A reputable agency is crucial for your child’s success. You should always do your research on potential agencies, identify who they’ve represented previously, and observe the kind of jobs their talents have been able to secure. Check if they’re members of any industry associations, which often serve as a sign of credibility. Also, consider seeking feedback from other parents, and take time to read online reviews and ratings. Most importantly, make sure you’re comfortable with the proposed fee structure, because all agencies handle this differently. Some work on commission, while others have a fair annual registration fee that benefits everybody.

Preparing to meet child talent agencies in Australia

Once you’ve identified potential child talent agencies in Australia, you’ll need to prepare thoroughly for agency meetings. These meetings are pivotal in determining your future relationship with the agency. Encourage your child to stay relaxed, avoid overdoing makeup or outfits, and let their natural charm shine through. Agencies generally prefer seeing the child’s personality and potential rather than a rehearsed routine. It’s important to let the child’s genuine talent and persona make the impact. Ideally, your agency will show a real interest in getting to know both you and your child.

Navigating agency contracts and fees

Understanding the contracts provided by child talent agencies is a critical aspect of this journey. These documents outline the obligations and rights of each party involved. Ensure you fully comprehend the stipulations of the agreement before signing – this includes the duration, commission rates or registration fees, exclusivity terms, and conditions for termination. If anything appears unclear, don’t hesitate to seek legal advice. The main aim is to protect your child’s interests while ensuring a beneficial partnership with the agency.

Your role as a parent

Remember, in this journey, the process is just as important as the destination. As a parent, your role extends beyond signing contracts and attending auditions. You’ll need to provide consistent emotional support, maintain a sense of normalcy, ensure your child enjoys the journey, and also instil a strong work ethic in them. Building a successful career in acting or modelling won’t happen overnight. It requires time, patience, and perseverance.

Why choose Casting Kids?

Casting Kids, one of the premier child talent agencies in Australia, could be the stepping stone for your child’s career. We specialise in connecting young talents with top-tier opportunities in the acting and modelling world. Our dedicated team is fully committed to supporting talent development, ensuring every step of your child’s journey is as rewarding and successful as possible. If you’re ready to explore this world with your child, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for more information.

The Truth about Modelling Agencies with No Upfront Fees

Modelling Agencies with No Upfront Fees

Modelling can be a fun and lucrative career for children, but it’s essential to be aware of potential scams in the industry. One of the most common scams is modelling agencies with no upfront fees. While these agencies may seem like a good deal, they could end up costing you more in the long run. Here are five important things to know about modelling agencies with no upfront fees.

The risks of no upfront fees

While it may seem like a good deal to avoid paying upfront fees, it’s important to understand the risks involved. Many no-upfront fee agencies make their money by taking a percentage of your child’s earnings. This percentage can be as high as 20%, which can add up quickly. In addition, some agencies may not have your child’s best interests at heart and may not provide adequate training or support.

How to spot a scam

When searching for a modelling agency, it’s essential to do your research. Look for agencies that have a proven track record of success and a good reputation in the industry. Avoid agencies that promise to make your child a star or guarantee bookings. These promises are often too good to be true and might be a sign of a scam.

In addition, remember that when there are no upfront fees, you’ll have to pay somehow. That’s often through a percentage of earnings. In this case, the agency doesn’t really care who gets the part because they always get paid. This puts your child at risk of not even being considered for auditions if they’re not in the top few children the agency represents.

Modelling agencies with no upfront fees aren’t always the best

It’s tempting to believe that modelling agencies with no upfront fees are always the best option for parents looking to get their children into the industry. After all, who wouldn’t want to save money while pursuing their dreams? However, it’s important to remember that just because an agency doesn’t charge upfront fees doesn’t mean they’re automatically trustworthy or reputable. In fact, some less scrupulous agencies may use the promise of no upfront fees to lure in unsuspecting parents, only to hit them with hidden charges or other fees down the line. As with any industry, it’s important to do your research, ask questions, and use common sense before signing on with any modelling agency.

The benefits of working with a reputable agency

Working with a reputable modelling agency can provide many benefits for your child’s career. They can provide training and support, connect your child with top clients and brands, and negotiate favourable contracts on your behalf. Reputable agencies also have a good understanding of the industry and can provide valuable advice and guidance.

Looking for a reputable modelling agency for your child?

If you’re looking for a reputable modelling agency fees, consider Casting Kids. We’re one of the leading modelling agencies in Australia, with a proven track record of success. We provide support to help your child succeed, and we have a strong network of clients and brands. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your child achieve their modelling dreams.

5 Common Misconceptions About Kids Modelling

kids modelling melbourne

Children’s modelling is a growing industry and with the rise of social media, it’s become easier to get into. While it’s true that there are many misconceptions about child modelling, it doesn’t mean that you should avoid doing it. In fact, if you’re interested in pursuing this career path for your children, here are five common misconceptions that we’d like to address.

Kids modelling is easy

Many people think that modelling is easy, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Modelling is a lot of work, and it’s definitely not easy. It requires discipline and focus to be able to sit still for long periods of time in front of the camera. Kids are constantly moving, which means they’re not always going to be able to hold a pose or give the expression required. If your child is keen on modelling, they need to have a good temperament and be willing to work hard.

Kids modelling jobs are dangerous

We’ve all heard the horror stories of child stars in the US being subjected to dangerous conditions. Unfortunately, this misconception permeates the acting and modelling world, and there is some truth to it. Kids modelling is just like any industry that’s full of mostly good people, with a few who ruin it for others.

The reality is, you as a parent always have the final say over what your child can do on a modelling job. If you’re not comfortable with a person or situation, you can remove your child. But it’s also important not to go into modelling thinking that everybody does the wrong thing. Because when you work with a reputable kids modelling agency and great clients, the risks are extremely low.

Kids modelling is all about looks

You may think that modelling is all about looks, but that’s a very deceiving concept. Of course, a certain look is important, but every job requires a different look. There is no set definition of what a child should look like for modelling. Looks definitely aren’t’ everything, especially where children’s modelling is concerned. It’s more about having the right temperament and personality.

Every child can be a model

Kids modelling is certainly available for everybody to try, but there are no guarantees. Here at Casting Kids, for example, we’re fully inclusive and represent children with all abilities. But only if we genuinely believe we can find opportunities for your child. For example, if a child doesn’t have the right temperament to take directions in front of a camera, they may not be suitable, and we won’t take your registration fees if we don’t think we can help.

Modelling isn’t easy, so it’s important not to get a child’s hopes up when you first visit a modelling agency.

All child models end up as adult models

Doing some modelling as a child doesn’t mean that you’ll end up as a model forever. Sure, some love the industry and excel in it. But others do it for a while as kids, and then move on to other things in life. There are definitely careers available for those who are interested, but just because your child does some modelling, it doesn’t mean they can only ever be models. Your kids can grow up to be whatever they want!

If you’d like to get your child started with a career in modelling, contact us at Casting Kids today. We’re your trusted kids modelling agency in Melbourne.

How to Become a Model in Melbourne

how to become a model in melbourne

We all know that kids are cute, but did you know that some of them can make a living from it? Child modelling is an industry that has grown in popularity over the past few years, with more and more children getting jobs to be paid models. If your child has a good sense of style and wants to build their portfolio as a model, here’s how you can help them get started.

Join a reputable child modelling agency

Firstly, you want to research the companies that hire child models. Find out what they do and how they work. Ask them about their experience in the industry, and ask for references from other parents who have worked with them. Ask about their reputation in the community, as well as any awards or recognition they’ve earned over time.

As with any career, it’s important to find a reputable agency that has your best interests in mind and can help you achieve your goals. Look for an agency that is licensed and has a good reputation for finding work for their models. You should also consider whether or not the agency matches your child’s interests (such as modelling or acting).

Become familiar with the industry

Before getting your child involved with modelling it’s important to understand the industry. As a parent, you want to know that jobs are safe for your child. You also don’t want them getting into an industry that could be dangerous.

Ultimately, it’s your choice to allow your child to model or not. But when you learn more about the industry and how to protect your child, you can both have a great time working in the industry!

Ensure your child has fun while learning how to become a model in Melbourne

In order to ensure that your child has fun while learning to model, it’s important that you don’t push them too hard. If they are not enjoying the experience, they will not want to continue with it. It is also important not to overwork your child or make them feel bad about themselves. We’ve all heard horror stories about parents living vicariously through their children, and you should avoid this at all costs. It only serves to damage your children, or at the very least, spoil their fun while modelling.

Help your child develop listening skills

The ability to listen is an essential skill for any child model, as it helps them absorb instructions. Children are often told what to do or how to look, and they need to take this direction. So, help your kids to develop good listening skills from a young age.

Need help with how to become a model in Melbourne?

Passionate about finding the right job for your child, Casting Kids is a top modelling agency in Melbourne. Our dedicated talent agents work hard to find the right jobs for your child and promote your child’s skills.

Casting Kids is committed to personalised service and has a strong focus on inclusivity and diversity. Our boutique agency offers friendly, professional representation to all children between the ages of 0 to 16 years old. So, when you are considering a modelling agency for kids, contact Casting Kids today to find out more about our talent services.

Modelling Agency for Kids: What to Expect

modelling agency for kids

When your child decides they’d like to give modelling a try, it’s important to get the right assistance. Finding auditions in a busy industry can be quite difficult if you don’t know where to start. That’s where a reputable modelling agency for kids comes in. Here are just a few of the things you should expect when being professionally represented as a model.

Support and guidance

Some casting agencies treat you and your child like numbers. It’s an unfortunate fact, but it does happen in the industry. Often, this takes place when agents work on a percentage of earnings payment system. It’s easy for them to just send their most talented and experienced kids for auditions, because they know they’ll get paid.

Casting Kids works on an annual registration fee which means we need to provide all of our children with equal opportunities. If we didn’t, children would leave us after the first year. That’s why we work closely with you and your child, offering the support and guidance you need. Some parents have experience in the entertainment industry, but others don’t and may need a little more advice along the way. That’s something you should always expect from a modelling agency for kids.

Professional photography from a modelling agency for kids

Every model needs a portfolio, even the younger ones! When you join a reputable modelling agency, your annual fees should include a professional photography session with images that can be used on Casting Networks. Casting directors like to see a profile to go along with an audition. In fact, it can often be the difference between getting a job or missing out.

This is because when dealing with younger children, casting teams understand that auditions can be a bit nerve-wracking. So, having some proof that your child can take some great professional photos shows they have potential.

Plenty of audition opportunities

It’s important to remember that clients have the final say on who gets a modelling job. They make their decision based on the most successful auditions, and no modelling agency for kids can really influence this. However, what you should expect as part of your representation is plenty of opportunities to audition.

As mentioned before, Casting Kids provides equal opportunities for all of our children based on their preferences and skills. If you’re signed up with an agency and not getting regular chances to auditions, it’s time to start looking elsewhere.

Looking for a reputable modelling agency for kids?

If you’re looking for a reliable, trustworthy modelling agency for kids, you’ve come to the right place. Casting Kids has built a strong reputation for excellence over the years. We do this by providing plenty of opportunities and maintaining an impressive client list. Representing children from 0-16 years, we’re fully inclusive and provide you with the support you need while navigating the entertainment industry.

If you’d like to discuss your child’s career and how Casting Kids can help, contact us today.

Casting for Teens – How to Prepare

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

If your child has been involved in acting or modelling for a while, you’ll know what to expect. You’ve been through auditions and casting calls, and you’re probably a pro at it by now. However, if you have a teenager who is just starting to show an interest in this line of work, you’ll need a little advice to get you going. Even if your child has been involved in acting, performing or modelling before, but they’ve now reached their teenage years, the casting for teens is a little different.

When children are much younger, there’s less importance placed on appearance and the ability to learn lines. The roles are usually smaller, and most directors also know that toddlers and younger children won’t be professional actors. But for teens, a little more is expected. Let’s take a look at how casting changes as your child grows.

A certain look

The entertainment industry has grown significantly in recent years when it comes to diversity. Casting Kids has always represented children with different abilities, but the industry as a whole is still evolving. Despite this evolution, many casting directors have a particular ‘look’ in mind if they’re running a photo shoot or a commercial.

This isn’t even necessarily about race, weight, or anything like that. They just have a certain look in mind. They might want a scruffy teenager, for example. Or they might want an athletic teenager. It just depends on the role. But the good thing is, you should be able to find out what look the director wants, and help your teen to dress and groom themselves appropriately.

Casting for teens – learning lines

As a young child, learning lines isn’t necessarily a part of the casting process. In some cases, your child might have one line to say, but that’s about it. Casting for teens is a little different because they usually have more prominent speaking roles. This is more common for commercials and TV shows, so when getting ready for an audition, you might need to help your child learn some lines to impress the director.

Taking direction

Finally, whether it’s during a casting audition or actually on set, being able to take direction is a must. Your teenager needs to listen to what the director is saying, and respond accordingly. This is a bit different than the younger age groups, where it’s commonly accepted that small children aren’t great at taking direction. So, make sure your teenager is ready to respond when a casting director asks them to act or perform a certain way.

Need help with casting for teens?

Here at Casting Kids, we represent children up to the age of 16, and we have plenty of opportunities for keen, talented teens. With an impressive client list, we can do a lot to help your child or teen kickstart their career. Whether it’s acting or modelling, Casting Kids gives your child the best chance for success. If you’d like to find out why so many people choose Casting Kids, contact us today. We’d love to hear from you!

Make Casting Kids Your Kids Talent Agency in Melbourne

kids talent agency melbourne

Is your child showing an interest in performing arts? While they’re learning and training in their preferred disciplines, whether it be acting, modelling, singing or something else, why not get them started with an entertainment career? The best way to start is by finding a reputable kids talent agency in Melbourne. Here at Casting Kids, we think we’re just that agency!

Why choose Casting Kids?

There are options out there when it comes to choosing a kids talent agency in Melbourne. So, why would you choose Casting Kids? We think we’ve got a pretty impressive service that you should know about. Here are just some of the benefits of joining Casting Kids.

Established client list

One of the most common questions we get asked is, ‘”Can you guarantee my child will find acting work?”. Unfortunately, that’s not a guarantee anybody can give because casting directors have the final say in who they hire. However, we do provide the best representation to give you opportunities with an impressive list of clients.

Our client list has grown over the years, including companies such as Target, K-Mart, Myer, Country Road, Bonds, Holden, Coles, Bupa, Nissan and so many more. With such a great range of clients all coming to Casting Kids for referrals, you can guarantee we’ll do everything we can to give your child an opportunity.

Personal, professional representation

When you join Casting Kids, you become part of the family. Bot children and parents are supported through the process of auditioning and working in the entertainment industry. We only accept registrations from children we truly believe we can find work for. So, despite being fully inclusive and promoting diversity, we are still selective based on acting and performing ability.

This selective approach means we’re able to provide proper, professional representation for all of our kids. We meet all of our kids and their families, discuss your needs and goals, and help you achieve them. It’s a personal, professional service you don’t get just everywhere. At Casting Kids, you’re so much more than a number.

Fully inclusive kids talent agency in Melbourne

We’re committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in the entertainment industry. As mentioned, we don’t just register every child we meet. However, we certainly don’t discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion or disabilities. Our selection process is purely based on whether we have a good chance of finding work for your child.

We’ve worked with many children with all different abilities, such as Down Syndrome, limb differences, cerebral palsy and more. As a boutique agency, we only accept your registration fees if we think we can deliver value, but nobody will ever suffer discrimination from our team.

Contact your favourite kids talent agency in Melbourne

Casting Kids is one of the best kids talent agencies in Melbourne, with over 15 years of industry experience. Representing babies and children up to age 16, we’re the perfect choice to give your child’s career the kickstart it needs. We put our kids and families first, meaning you’ve always got the support you need while navigating the industry. Contact us today and find out how we can help.

4 Reasons to Join a Child Agency in Melbourne

child agency melbourne

Have you considered getting your child into acting or modelling? It can be a pretty lonely road without the right support. That’s why so many people register with a child agency in Melbourne for a better chance of success.

Access to quality jobs

Of course, the first reason you might consider joining a child agency in Melbourne is to find work. There are plenty of acting and modelling jobs out there for kids, but without representation you may not find out about them. Major clients generally have preferred agencies they use for casting calls. They don’t advertise online because applications and auditions would be a nightmare to manage. So, they contact agencies like Casting Kids and ask for referrals.

If you join a reputable child agency with good clients, you’ll get access to more auditions. And while it’s always up to you and your child to advance their career in whatever way you choose, an agency makes it easier. You won’t need to spend hours scouring online sources looking for work, because your agency should provide regular opportunities to audition.

Safe working environments

The other point about working with an agency is you end up with better jobs. We’re not just talking about finances either. When trying to find jobs online or elsewhere, your child might end up working on non-professional sets, with some productions even asking for free labour in return for exposure.

These environments aren’t great, and some can be downright unsafe. The clients we work with at Casting Kids, for example, are professional and conduct themselves as such. If your child wins a role, you can reasonably expect they’ll be working in a professional, safe environment.

Ongoing support from a child agency in Melbourne

When you join a child agency in Melbourne you don’t just get representation. You also get other things such as access to professional networks, profiles on industry websites, professional photos and more. You can always contact your agency if you have questions or concerns. When you try to go it alone, you don’t get these sorts of advantages.


The support you get from a child agency usually extends to offering plenty of advice along the way. For example, if your child is being sent to lots of auditions but isn’t winning jobs, you may be wondering why. You can contact your agency and ask for some advice, such as how to prepare better for auditions.

Having support like this can be a great comfort, especially if you and your family are completely new to the industry.

Looking for the best child agency in Melbourne?

Casting Kids loves meeting new kids and families! We’ve been in the business for over 16 years. In that time we’ve developed a huge client list, giving us access to plenty of acting and modelling jobs for kids. Plus, we’re a fully inclusive agency, representing children of all abilities. If you’d like to join a child agency in Melbourne to help your little ones make their way in the entertainment industry, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us today and we’d be happy to discuss your goals further!

Why Join a Modelling Agency for Kids?

modelling agency for kids

Some kids seem destined to be a star. If your child loves to strike a pose for the camera or enjoys costume play, then modelling might be the right career path for them.

But when should you consider joining a modelling agency for kids? Here we will discuss when and why engaging the services of a talent agency might be useful.

Is my child serious about modelling?

The very first step when your child shows an interest in modelling is finding out how much they actually want to be a model. How hard are they willing to work? What level of sacrifice are they willing to make? Do they know what it means to be a model? These are extremely pertinent questions that will inform how you move forward.

Because behind the glamourous façade, modelling can be a lot of hard work; long hours where concentration, following instructions, and attending auditions/shoots can mean time away from other after-school or weekend activities.

If your child shows a middling interest, but not much enthusiasm it may be a good idea to wait and see how they perform at some open call auditions. If they enjoy the process, this may spark some passion and eagerness to invest more energy into pursuing a modelling career. At this point, you may find it beneficial to engage a modelling agency for kids.

How do I find a good modelling agency?

Finding the right modelling agency for kids that offers a trustworthy, dedicated service will involve research. Luckily, most talent agencies today have a strong online presence. So, you can find out a lot about their services, requirements, and reputation from social media, reviews, and their website.

A good modelling agency for kids will have a list of highly-respected clients ensuring that your child will be working with some of the most professional and experienced people in the industry. This ensures your child makes great industry connections. Also, the model castings they’re sent for are reputable.

A reliable modelling agency for kids will offer transparency at every stage. You should be assured that your child is safe. Also, that working hours are reasonable, and all relevant employment laws are being followed. This requires comprehensive consultation with your talent agency to determine if they have the level of experience, professionalism, and industry knowledge to protect your child’s welfare.

The best modelling agency for kids in Melbourne

Passionate about finding the right job for your child, Casting Kids is the modelling agency of choice in Melbourne. Our dedicated talent agents work hard to represent your child and promote their skills to industry-leading clients across the state.

Castings Kids is committed to personalised service and has a strong focus on inclusivity and diversity. Our boutique agency offers friendly, professional representation to children of all abilities between the ages of 0 and 16 years.

So, when you are considering a modelling agency for kids, contact Casting Kids today to find out more about our talent services.