Author Archives: Casting Kids

Child Talent Agencies in Australia: Your Ultimate Guide

child talent agencies Australia

Choosing the right child talent agency in Australia is vital in steering your child’s acting or modelling career in the right direction. Agencies act as bridges, connecting promising talents with potential opportunities in the industry. They provide professional representation for your child, negotiate contracts, and nurture talent development, while ensuring the child’s interests are protected. Their primary goal is to enhance your child’s chances of landing lucrative gigs and to facilitate a smooth career progression.

The importance of a child talent agency’s reputation

A reputable agency is crucial for your child’s success. You should always do your research on potential agencies, identify who they’ve represented previously, and observe the kind of jobs their talents have been able to secure. Check if they’re members of any industry associations, which often serve as a sign of credibility. Also, consider seeking feedback from other parents, and take time to read online reviews and ratings. Most importantly, make sure you’re comfortable with the proposed fee structure, because all agencies handle this differently. Some work on commission, while others have a fair annual registration fee that benefits everybody.

Preparing to meet child talent agencies in Australia

Once you’ve identified potential child talent agencies in Australia, you’ll need to prepare thoroughly for agency meetings. These meetings are pivotal in determining your future relationship with the agency. Encourage your child to stay relaxed, avoid overdoing makeup or outfits, and let their natural charm shine through. Agencies generally prefer seeing the child’s personality and potential rather than a rehearsed routine. It’s important to let the child’s genuine talent and persona make the impact. Ideally, your agency will show a real interest in getting to know both you and your child.

Navigating agency contracts and fees

Understanding the contracts provided by child talent agencies is a critical aspect of this journey. These documents outline the obligations and rights of each party involved. Ensure you fully comprehend the stipulations of the agreement before signing – this includes the duration, commission rates or registration fees, exclusivity terms, and conditions for termination. If anything appears unclear, don’t hesitate to seek legal advice. The main aim is to protect your child’s interests while ensuring a beneficial partnership with the agency.

Your role as a parent

Remember, in this journey, the process is just as important as the destination. As a parent, your role extends beyond signing contracts and attending auditions. You’ll need to provide consistent emotional support, maintain a sense of normalcy, ensure your child enjoys the journey, and also instil a strong work ethic in them. Building a successful career in acting or modelling won’t happen overnight. It requires time, patience, and perseverance.

Why choose Casting Kids?

Casting Kids, one of the premier child talent agencies in Australia, could be the stepping stone for your child’s career. We specialise in connecting young talents with top-tier opportunities in the acting and modelling world. Our dedicated team is fully committed to supporting talent development, ensuring every step of your child’s journey is as rewarding and successful as possible. If you’re ready to explore this world with your child, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for more information.

The Truth about Modelling Agencies with No Upfront Fees

Modelling Agencies with No Upfront Fees

Modelling can be a fun and lucrative career for children, but it’s essential to be aware of potential scams in the industry. One of the most common scams is modelling agencies with no upfront fees. While these agencies may seem like a good deal, they could end up costing you more in the long run. Here are five important things to know about modelling agencies with no upfront fees.

The risks of no upfront fees

While it may seem like a good deal to avoid paying upfront fees, it’s important to understand the risks involved. Many no-upfront fee agencies make their money by taking a percentage of your child’s earnings. This percentage can be as high as 20%, which can add up quickly. In addition, some agencies may not have your child’s best interests at heart and may not provide adequate training or support.

How to spot a scam

When searching for a modelling agency, it’s essential to do your research. Look for agencies that have a proven track record of success and a good reputation in the industry. Avoid agencies that promise to make your child a star or guarantee bookings. These promises are often too good to be true and might be a sign of a scam.

In addition, remember that when there are no upfront fees, you’ll have to pay somehow. That’s often through a percentage of earnings. In this case, the agency doesn’t really care who gets the part because they always get paid. This puts your child at risk of not even being considered for auditions if they’re not in the top few children the agency represents.

Modelling agencies with no upfront fees aren’t always the best

It’s tempting to believe that modelling agencies with no upfront fees are always the best option for parents looking to get their children into the industry. After all, who wouldn’t want to save money while pursuing their dreams? However, it’s important to remember that just because an agency doesn’t charge upfront fees doesn’t mean they’re automatically trustworthy or reputable. In fact, some less scrupulous agencies may use the promise of no upfront fees to lure in unsuspecting parents, only to hit them with hidden charges or other fees down the line. As with any industry, it’s important to do your research, ask questions, and use common sense before signing on with any modelling agency.

The benefits of working with a reputable agency

Working with a reputable modelling agency can provide many benefits for your child’s career. They can provide training and support, connect your child with top clients and brands, and negotiate favourable contracts on your behalf. Reputable agencies also have a good understanding of the industry and can provide valuable advice and guidance.

Looking for a reputable modelling agency for your child?

If you’re looking for a reputable modelling agency fees, consider Casting Kids. We’re one of the leading modelling agencies in Australia, with a proven track record of success. We provide support to help your child succeed, and we have a strong network of clients and brands. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your child achieve their modelling dreams.

Casting for Kids: Common Mistakes to Avoid During the Audition Process

casting for kids

As a parent of a child interested in modelling, the audition process can be a nerve-wracking experience for both you and your child. It’s important to remember that auditions are a learning experience and an opportunity for your child to showcase their skills. However, there are some common mistakes parents make during the casting for kids audition process that can negatively impact their child’s chances of success. Here are five common mistakes to avoid during the audition process.

Arriving late

Arriving late to an audition not only shows a lack of respect for the casting director’s time but can also throw off your child’s mental state before they even begin. It’s important to arrive on time or even a few minutes early to allow your child to mentally prepare for the audition. If you do arrive late, don’t rush your child. Take a few deep breaths and try to calm them down before they enter the audition room.

Over-preparing your child

While it’s important to practice and prepare for the audition, over-preparing your child can have negative consequences. Over-rehearsing can lead to a robotic performance that lacks authenticity. Encourage your child to be themselves and have fun during the audition. This will give them the best chance of standing out in the crowd.

Failing to read the brief

Reading the brief is crucial before attending any audition. IF you don’t, it can lead to your child showing up in the wrong outfit or with the wrong props. It’s important to follow the brief closely to give your child the best chance of success. If you’re unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to contact the casting director for clarification.

Not letting your child speak for themselves

You want to support your child during the audition process, but it’s also important to allow them to speak for themselves. Encourage your child to introduce themselves and answer questions asked by the casting director. This shows confidence and independence, two traits that casting directors are looking for in young talent.

Signing with an unsupportive acting agency

One of the most important decisions you’ll make as a parent of a child interested in modelling is choosing an agency. It’s important to do your research and choose a reputable agency that has your child’s best interests at heart. Beware of agencies that make unrealistic promises. A reputable agency such as Casting Kids has a strong track record of success in the industry.

Looking for help with casting for kids?

Casting Kids is a modelling agency that represents talented young models in Australia. Our team of industry experts is dedicated to providing the best possible opportunities for our young talent. We are committed to ensuring that our models and their families are treated with respect and professionalism. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your child achieve their modelling dreams.

The Importance of Networking at Acting Auditions in Melbourne

acting auditions melbourne

If your child is interested in acting, it won’t be long until you start attending auditions with them. Acting auditions in Melbourne are an exciting time, but it’s also a time to conduct some business. Networking during auditions is crucial for actors, and in the case of child actors, for their parents too. Here’s why networking at acting auditions in Melbourne is so important.

What is networking?

Networking is the process of building relationships with people who can help you in your career. It’s about providing value to others and getting what you want in return. You won’t find networking in many school curriculums, so it’s a skill you need to learn for yourself. In the acting industry, networking is a great way to build contacts and set your child up for future success.

Why is networking essential for actors?

Networking is an essential part of being an actor, but it can be difficult to know how to go about it. Here are a few reasons why networking is so important:

  • It helps you connect with other people in the industry and build relationships with those who have experience working in it. This includes directors, casting agents and producers as well as actors themselves. You never know when they may be able to help in the future.
  • Networking allows you to find out about auditions before they even happen. This means you don’t need to rush, and you can help your child be better prepared.  
  • Building up your reputation through networking means that you’ll be recognised at future auditions. It might be a small thing, but some familiarity goes a long way in the acting industry.

How do you network as an actor?

When you’re networking as an actor, it’s important to remember that you’re not just there to promote yourself. You’re also there to learn about others and help them out in any way that you can.

Make sure that when people speak with you at the event, they feel comfortable sharing their experiences with acting and their stories from auditions or on set. Networking is a two-way street, so make sure you show interest in others. It’s not just about how someone can help you, but how your relationship can be mutually beneficial. Ultimately, networking is just talking to people, being friendly and making sure you’re remembered.

Networking at acting auditions in Melbourne also builds a support network

Networking isn’t just about getting the job. In fact, most networking won’t benefit you immediately. But it does help to build a support network around yourself. Whether it’s casting directors you’ll see regularly, or even just parents with more experience. Plus, in the acting world, you will be working with many different people and having to collaborate on projects. Networking allows you to get to know these people better so that when it comes time to work together on a project, there is already an established trust between all parties involved.

If you’d like to get more auditions and build a stronger network around you, the best place to start is a kid’s acting agency. Casting Kids is here to support your child’s acting journey, so contact us today.

How to Become a Model in Melbourne

how to become a model in melbourne

We all know that kids are cute, but did you know that some of them can make a living from it? Child modelling is an industry that has grown in popularity over the past few years, with more and more children getting jobs to be paid models. If your child has a good sense of style and wants to build their portfolio as a model, here’s how you can help them get started.

Join a reputable child modelling agency

Firstly, you want to research the companies that hire child models. Find out what they do and how they work. Ask them about their experience in the industry, and ask for references from other parents who have worked with them. Ask about their reputation in the community, as well as any awards or recognition they’ve earned over time.

As with any career, it’s important to find a reputable agency that has your best interests in mind and can help you achieve your goals. Look for an agency that is licensed and has a good reputation for finding work for their models. You should also consider whether or not the agency matches your child’s interests (such as modelling or acting).

Become familiar with the industry

Before getting your child involved with modelling it’s important to understand the industry. As a parent, you want to know that jobs are safe for your child. You also don’t want them getting into an industry that could be dangerous.

Ultimately, it’s your choice to allow your child to model or not. But when you learn more about the industry and how to protect your child, you can both have a great time working in the industry!

Ensure your child has fun while learning how to become a model in Melbourne

In order to ensure that your child has fun while learning to model, it’s important that you don’t push them too hard. If they are not enjoying the experience, they will not want to continue with it. It is also important not to overwork your child or make them feel bad about themselves. We’ve all heard horror stories about parents living vicariously through their children, and you should avoid this at all costs. It only serves to damage your children, or at the very least, spoil their fun while modelling.

Help your child develop listening skills

The ability to listen is an essential skill for any child model, as it helps them absorb instructions. Children are often told what to do or how to look, and they need to take this direction. So, help your kids to develop good listening skills from a young age.

Need help with how to become a model in Melbourne?

Passionate about finding the right job for your child, Casting Kids is a top modelling agency in Melbourne. Our dedicated talent agents work hard to find the right jobs for your child and promote your child’s skills.

Casting Kids is committed to personalised service and has a strong focus on inclusivity and diversity. Our boutique agency offers friendly, professional representation to all children between the ages of 0 to 16 years old. So, when you are considering a modelling agency for kids, contact Casting Kids today to find out more about our talent services.

Different Types of Kids Modelling Jobs

kids modelling jobs Melbourne

Kids who love being in front of the camera can have fun and earn money modelling. There are a lot of different ways to get started as a kid model. Firstly, you should investigate joining an agency if you haven’t already. This usually provides the gateway to auditions and modelling jobs. But for those interested, here are some of the popular kids modelling jobs available.

Print modelling

Print modelling is a great way to get started in the industry. You’ll be working with designers, photographers, and stylists to create images that will be used in catalogues, magazines and advertisements. Print models come in all shapes and sizes so you don’t have to be tall or thin like runway models.

Print modelling can also be more relaxed than runway work because there isn’t as much pressure on you to look perfect every time you are shot by the camera.

Commercial modelling

Commercial modelling is one of the most common types of kids’ modelling jobs. It’s also one of the easiest jobs to get, but it can also be a bit more challenging than others. In commercial modelling, you will be paid a fee for your time and efforts in front of the camera. You may be required to wear clothing from the brand that is sponsoring your commercial (or posing with products), so make sure you like what they’re offering before agreeing.

Runway modelling

Runway modelling is probably one of the most widely known forms of child modelling. Models walk down a runway wearing high fashion clothes, often alongside other models and usually while music plays in the background. Runway models typically must be tall, thin and between 14-24 years old. However, there are still children’s fashion shows around the country too. It might not be Paris or Milan, but there are still jobs like this available for kids.

Acting opportunities in TV or film

While modelling is one form of performing art, acting is another. Many kids who enjoy modelling also thrive at acting, so it’s worth looking into. While your child may need a little experience for these jobs, they’re not out of reach.

  • TV/film acting includes roles in television shows or movies that are filmed with professional equipment. There are varying levels of budget, scope and professionalism throughout the acting industry.
  • Commercials are also an option. There are more of them, for starters. So, your child has a better chance of scoring a role in a commercial. Plus, it’s not a bad way to earn some extra money!

Your child doesn’t need to be an acting expert, but if they have a love of performing they should do well. Your agency can always help you find suitable opportunities.

Looking for kids modelling jobs?

Casting Kids is a modelling agency with a reputation for providing the best support to our children, families and clients. We continue to promote diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry, and we pride ourselves on getting to know all of the children and families we represent. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

Why are Teenage Modelling Agencies in Melbourne Important?

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

Teenagers are no longer just teens. They can be models, too! So what do teenage modelling agencies in Melbourne do? More importantly, why are they a crucial part of your teen’s modelling journey?

Teenage modelling agencies in Melbourne offer a range of services

As a teenager, the best way to get started in the modelling industry is to work with an agency. A teenage modelling agency helps you build up your portfolio and prepare for your first audition. They also provide guidance on how to get noticed on social media. They’ll help develop your professional attitude and work ethic, so that when it comes time for an actual audition or shoot, you’re ready!

Booking work with high-quality clients

There are plenty of jobs available, but they’re not all lucrative. One of the most common types of work is print advertising. Here, you’re photographed in front of a camera or using green screen technology. Teenage models are also hired by companies to promote their products online through social media and other online platforms, such as YouTube channels or blogs.

If you have experience acting in theatre productions or on TV shows or movies, then your teenage modelling agency may also book you for these kinds of jobs.

Building a lasting relationship with models

As a model, you will want to build a lasting relationship with your agency. You need to be confident that your modelling agency will look after you and help develop your career. Ideally, the agent should develop a relationship with the model and parents. This personalised service gives you confidence that you’ve chosen a reputable agency.

Build a portfolio and prepare for auditions

A modelling portfolio is a collection of pictures that show off your best looks. They are used when applying for jobs. The first step in building up your portfolio is getting some professional photos. Your agency fee often includes photos.

In addition, your modelling agency should help you prepare for auditions. More experienced models may not need help, but it’s daunting the first time. So, your agency should give you advice, tips and encouragement when your first audition arrives. They may also be able to provide more detailed advice and feedback if you miss a few jobs.

Looking for reliable teenage modelling agencies in Melbourne?

Casting Kids has a reputation for being an inclusive, supportive and caring child talent agency. Our clients trust us to find the very best child models in Melbourne. We continue to promote diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry and we pride ourselves on getting to know all of the children and families we represent. Contact us today and find out how we can help.

How to Beat Nerves Before Auditions in Melbourne

kids auditions melbourne

If your child is getting ready to audition for an acting or modelling job, they’ll likely feel some nerves before the big day. But don’t worry, nerves are common among actors at all levels and it’s important to understand how to deal with them before your audition. The best way to get rid of or manage those nerves? Practice and preparation! These tips below can help you and your child get ready for auditions in Melbourne.

Get plenty of rest the night before

To reduce your chances of being nervous, it’s important to get plenty of sleep. How much sleep is enough? That depends on the individual. But generally speaking, we all need at least six hours in order to function at our best and feel rested.

Getting ready for bed may seem like a chore when you have an audition coming up in the morning, but good pre-sleep habits will help ensure a good night’s rest. Try to eat well the night before, and set aside some time before bed to just relax and take it easy. This will make it easier to fall asleep and get the required rest before the audition.

Practice makes perfect for auditions in Melbourne

One of the best ways to overcome your nerves is to practice. Practice in front of a mirror, practice in front of a friend or family member, or even record yourself and watch it back so that you can see how you did. Note: If your child is younger, they will likely need a lot of help when practising, so be prepared to give them a hand.

Even if there are no lines or scripts to learn, your child can always practice performing in some way. Whether it’s singing, dancing, or simply acting like the character they’re auditioning for, every little bit of practice can help.

Be aware of nerves and practice dealing with them

Firstly, it’s important to understand that nerves are perfectly normal.  Nobody gets cast in any role without feeling some kind of anxiety beforehand. So, don’t let nerves overtake your thinking. Accept them, and find some ways to address them. Younger children might not use tools like meditation or self-talk, but it can definitely help older children and teens.

Deep breathing can be a massive help, and you also shouldn’t put too much importance on the result. Missing one job doesn’t mean you’ll never work. Just be yourself, try to remain calm, and just focus on what you need to do, rather than the fact that people are watching.

Looking for auditions in Melbourne?

We provide children’s acting and modelling auditions to anyone from ages 6 months up to 16. In that time, we’ve learned how to truly help our kids achieve success at auditions in Melbourne. We’ve also built up an impressive list of quality, trusted clients we’re comfortable with. If you’re looking for reputable children’s agents in Melbourne, look no further. We’d love to have a chat about your child’s future in acting or modelling, so please contact us today.

Preparing for Acting Auditions: A Guide

acting auditions

If your child is starting a career in acting, one certainty is the need to attend auditions. Casting directors typically hold auditions for all types of acting jobs, because they need to see how potential actors take direction, how their personality radiates on screen and much more. Assuming your child is enthusiastic about acting, they’re probably no stranger to performing in front of people. But singing and dancing for family and friends is a lot different than attending acting auditions.

This guide will give you some tips on how to help your child prepare for auditions.

Different ages

Before we dive in, it’s important to note that the requirements for acting auditions will naturally vary depending on the child’s age. For babies and toddlers, they naturally won’t be speaking lines or even following any complex directions. However, as children get older, the expectations are a little higher.

For the purpose of the tips below, we’re going to assume your child is above the age of 6, and therefore should be able to take some direction and speak in front of people with confidence.

Getting the look

As much as we’re told that appearance isn’t everything, in the acting world there are certain standards to be met. For child actors it’s not always about facial features or beauty, but rather about having a look that suits a certain role.

Generally, you’ll be given some information before the audition, specifically about the role and what the directors are looking for. All auditions are different, of course, but if you do get some valuable ‘character’ information, it’s best to use it.

For example, if the job calls for a child to be playing on the beach, you’ll want your child to dress in beach-appropriate clothes. It’s more about overall appearance than just physical characteristics.

Learning lines

It really depends on the type of acting role as to whether your child will be required to perform lines. However, even if it’s a commercial with no speaking role, the directors may still want to see your child perform a line or two. This helps them assess suitability and of course, the ability to take direction.

So, if you’re given any lines before the audition, make sure your child practices them. In these cases, it’s best to make the practice a lot of fun. Help your child learn the lines, but also let their own personality shine through. This is what directors are usually looking for.

Practice acting auditions

Like anything in life, preparation for acting auditions is crucial. It may seem like overkill, especially when children are concerned, but why not make the entire process fun by holding a mock audition at home? You can play the role of casting director and your child can perform as instructed. It’s a bit of fun for them, but it also helps with any nerves they might experience when the real audition comes along.

Looking for acting auditions for kids?

If you’d like to discuss the first steps in your child’s acting career, Casting Kids is here to help. We represent children from ages 0 to 16, and we’re a fully inclusive casting agency. Contact us today to find out more.

Modelling Agency for Kids: What to Expect

modelling agency for kids

When your child decides they’d like to give modelling a try, it’s important to get the right assistance. Finding auditions in a busy industry can be quite difficult if you don’t know where to start. That’s where a reputable modelling agency for kids comes in. Here are just a few of the things you should expect when being professionally represented as a model.

Support and guidance

Some casting agencies treat you and your child like numbers. It’s an unfortunate fact, but it does happen in the industry. Often, this takes place when agents work on a percentage of earnings payment system. It’s easy for them to just send their most talented and experienced kids for auditions, because they know they’ll get paid.

Casting Kids works on an annual registration fee which means we need to provide all of our children with equal opportunities. If we didn’t, children would leave us after the first year. That’s why we work closely with you and your child, offering the support and guidance you need. Some parents have experience in the entertainment industry, but others don’t and may need a little more advice along the way. That’s something you should always expect from a modelling agency for kids.

Professional photography from a modelling agency for kids

Every model needs a portfolio, even the younger ones! When you join a reputable modelling agency, your annual fees should include a professional photography session with images that can be used on Casting Networks. Casting directors like to see a profile to go along with an audition. In fact, it can often be the difference between getting a job or missing out.

This is because when dealing with younger children, casting teams understand that auditions can be a bit nerve-wracking. So, having some proof that your child can take some great professional photos shows they have potential.

Plenty of audition opportunities

It’s important to remember that clients have the final say on who gets a modelling job. They make their decision based on the most successful auditions, and no modelling agency for kids can really influence this. However, what you should expect as part of your representation is plenty of opportunities to audition.

As mentioned before, Casting Kids provides equal opportunities for all of our children based on their preferences and skills. If you’re signed up with an agency and not getting regular chances to auditions, it’s time to start looking elsewhere.

Looking for a reputable modelling agency for kids?

If you’re looking for a reliable, trustworthy modelling agency for kids, you’ve come to the right place. Casting Kids has built a strong reputation for excellence over the years. We do this by providing plenty of opportunities and maintaining an impressive client list. Representing children from 0-16 years, we’re fully inclusive and provide you with the support you need while navigating the entertainment industry.

If you’d like to discuss your child’s career and how Casting Kids can help, contact us today.