Tag Archives: extras casting

How to Score Extra Castings

extra castings

Do you have dreams of one day seeing your face on the silver screen? Well, while only a few people ever get to realise that dream, there are other ways of getting your moment of fame without becoming a Hollywood celebrity. Extra castings are held regularly to find the right types of people to appear in the background of TV shows, movies and even commercials.

If your child is interested in exploring the world of acting but they’re not sure if they want to do it seriously yet, extra castings are a great way to go. They could find themselves in the background of their favourite TV show. Plus, extras get paid, so you can make some good money from being an extra!

Why is it fun to be an extra?

Extras get to go behind the scenes of productions and see how everything works, even if they don’t have a starring role. They may not be credited as a cast member, but their presence on screen still adds to the overall production. So, it’s quite an important job for many commercials, TV shows and movies.

Depending on the production, it can be a lot of fun, especially for kids. They might be required to dress in certain costumes or do something particular in the background of a shot. Plus, if your child is interested in acting already, this can be a great way to get in the door.

It’s also a fun learning experience for kids. They get to see how TV shows and movies are really made. It’s something that many people never get to experience, so it gives them valuable insight into the industry. If they don’t enjoy it, you’ve lost nothing but some time. But if they do, it might send them on a great career path!

How to find extra castings

There are several ways you can go about finding extra opportunities in your area.

  • Find a child acting agency: If your child is interested in acting, get them signed up to a reputable children’s talent agency. This will help you get the inside word when extras are required.
  • Search online: There are some productions that don’t use talent agencies, especially for extras. They might put the call out on their website for extra castings, and you can find ones nearby.
  • Social media: If you know of any production companies or art communities in your area, follow them on social media. You’ll quite often see calls for extras on a wide variety of projects.

These are just some of the ways to find extra castings in your area. It can be a great way for kids to get involved and do something different. They might even earn some money at the same time.

Contact Casting Kids for extra castings and more

Casting Kids is a leading children’s acting and modelling agency, representing children from 0-16 years. If your child wants to get into the world of acting or modelling, contact us today to discuss how we can help!

Are There Many Extra Castings in Melbourne?

extra castings melbourne

A huge number of kids love being the centre of attention. Some dress up in old clothes and put on a show in the backyard. Some sing into a hairbrush in the bathroom mirror. You can harness a dramatic flair from an early age.

Extra work on TV or film provides a great creative outlet for kids, whilst also offering a stepping stone into acting if this is the direction your child wants to head. But where do you start to find this kind of work and is there much available out there? To make things a little easier, here are a few pointers to get you on the right track.

Make sure your kids have a true interest

The entertainment industry can be intimidating to newcomers. It’s a large step from messing around in your bedroom to stepping in front of strangers and performing, however it’s a great way for kids to develop strong social and communication skills.

Kids need to understand that what they are seeing on TV is the culmination of many hours of hard work and practice. If your child has expressed interest, or has shown a talent for performance, having a realistic conversation with them is a good idea before making any big decisions.

A useful step might be to try out some extra work to see if the on-screen process is something your child finds interesting and rewarding.

Use a reputable Melbourne agency

Knowing where to find extra work for kids can be difficult and confusing with limited experience in the industry. This is where engaging the services of a good child talent agency is extremely helpful. A good agency will have the knowledge and know-how to connect your child with opportunities to work as an extra.

Kids’ extra castings in Melbourne are quite common, in particular when production is based in a school. Likewise, in a public setting where kids or teens are required to provide background support. With a good talent agency on your team, you can be confident that your child is put forward for all legitimate extra castings that may arise.

Make the most of extra castings in Melbourne

Prepare, listen and be aware. Your child is more likely to be successful if they’re ready to work, take direction easily and conduct themselves professionally. Whilst the role of an extra is not as demanding as an actor, it still requires focus and attention. Casting directors may stipulate certain conditions for extras, such as a specific outfit or hairstyle. For a better chance of success, follow all these requirements.

Looking for extra castings in Melbourne?

Established over a decade ago, Casting Kids is a highly respected children’s talent agency based in Melbourne. We represent children of all abilities, from 6 months to 16 years. We’re dedicated to finding the right role for our clients. Contact us today to find out more or to register your child with Casting Kids.

How to Find Extra Castings in Australia

extra castings

You might be wondering, do kids get jobs as extras in film and TV? Well yes, they sure do! Any film or TV show with scenes in a school or public place is likely to have kids and teens in the background. While extras work isn’t the glamorous life a movie star that kids dream of, it’s a step in the right direction. It can also generate some income along the way. So, how do extra castings work, and what should you expect?

Finding extra castings

The first step is to find roles for extras. You may not even need a casting agent for this, as many jobs are advertised on job websites and other outlets. This is because extras don’t need any particular set of skills, except for following direction. Therefore, you may not even be required to attend an actual casting.

However, if you’re registered with a casting agent and they receive a request for some willing extras, don’t be surprised to get a call. It’s certainly a chance to see how a production set works.

Prepare for the role, no matter how minor

Extras don’t need to memorise lines, but they do need to follow a few instructions. Sometimes, casting directors may put the call out for extras dressed a certain way. For example, they’re filming a scene involving a kid’s cricket game. So, they will want children of a similar age wearing cricket clothes. They may be seeking these extras because the production budget doesn’t include a bunch of cricket uniforms, so they want extras who already own them.

If your extras casting has these sorts of requirements, make sure you know exactly what’s expected. Your regular clothes will usually be fine, but you will be told in advance. Also, productions can’t wait around, so always be there early and ready to go.

Listen to instructions

When you’re on set, you don’t have a lot of responsibilities as an extra. But here’s where that saying, “You had one job,” could really apply if you mess up. All you really need to do is follow direction. You might be in a group of diners at a table. Perhaps swimming laps of a pool. You could also simply be strolling past behind the main scene. The role of an extra isn’t very high-pressure, so just make sure you listen while on set, and follow your instructions.

Looking for kid’s extra casting?

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years, and our main focus is finding perfect roles for our clients. If that includes extras casting, we would always discuss with you first. To find out more, contact us today.