Acting – what a rewarding, multifaceted and interesting adventure your child is embarking on! As an actor, your child will be exposed to new environments, interact with a host of new people, and build their confidence sky-high. They will be presented with so many opportunities to expand their skills. And for those with the dedication to stick with it, your kid can turn their hobby/interest into paid employment.

But before setting off on their acting journey, there are a number of considerations you and your child should think about. For example, is this something your child wants to invest a lot of time into? How do you go about finding work in the industry? And what is an audition?

Well don’t worry! We are here to answer your questions and tell you what you need to know about acting in Australia.

Interest in acting Australia

Firstly, whilst it may seem like all glitz and glamour on the big screen, behind the scenes is a lot of hard work and persistence. From preparation and auditioning, to dealing with (what can be a number of) knockbacks, it takes some fortitude and self-confidence to keep at it and succeed.

Subsequently, you should have a chat with your child about the time they will need to put in. And that this may mean sacrificing in other areas, for example hanging out with friends, or other after-school activities. In doing so, you will make sure your child is aware of what’s involved and is still 100% committed, before starting out.

Reputable agency

Your next job when pursing acting in Australia will be to find work for your child. This can be confusing and overwhelming if you are new to the industry. Therefore, choosing to engage a reputable agency is an extremely helpful, and influential, step toward success.

A good agency will have legitimate industry connections and experience in representing child actors. They will help you navigate the numerous facets involved in kids acting. Importantly, they will connect your kid with the right people and put them forward for suitable roles.

The right agency will be integral in getting work for your kid. So, interviewing your chosen agency is vital to ensure they are a good fit.

The audition

Finally, once you have engaged an agency to represent your child, the audition process comes next. Above all else, the key to success is preparation. Learning lines front to back is the best way to ensure your child is noticed. Additionally, if the role is for a specific type of person, for example a schoolchild, they should dress the part for the audition. This will help them stand out from the crowd – extremely important when auditioning!

Overall, your child will be competing against a lot of other children. Therefore, preparation and demonstrating knowledge of the role are imperative to ensure their name goes straight on the short-list.

Want your kid to start acting in Australia?

Casting Kids pride ourselves on our personalised approach to each individual child and their family. With a focus on finding work for all of our clients, we represent children of all abilities between the ages of 0-16 years. So, if you want the best start in acting for your child, contact us at Casting Kids.

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