Tag Archives: child modelling

Child Modelling in Melbourne: Things to Know

child modelling melbourne

So, you’ve decided to see if your child has what it takes to become a model – congratulations! Child modelling can be incredibly rewarding, but does not come without difficulties. As parents, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of the industry before your child begins their journey. Here are some of the things you need to know about child modelling in Melbourne.

Send clear photos

Modelling is about appearances, so it’s important that your agency knows what your child looks like! When you’ve found an agency that suits you, make sure to send through clear, visible photos of your child along with up-to-date measurements and any other pertinent information. Don’t worry about professional photographers or lighting set-ups just yet. A quality photo from a camera phone will do just fine to start!

Let your kids be kids

Casting agents are looking for children who look like children – don’t make your kids look older than they are! While it may be tempting to add things like hair extensions and false eyelashes, your child will be cast based on their age. Instead, make sure that your child looks neat and groomed, but avoid applying makeup or anything to make them appear older.

Shoots can be boring

Child modelling in Melbourne can be fun, but there is also plenty of downtime on set. While the vibe is usually very positive, younger kids may become bored or restless while waiting for their call time. To keep them occupied, bring entertainment like books, tablets or games for them to enjoy – they can even do homework between shoots!

Child modelling in Melbourne is a competitive industry

This is probably the most important thing to know about child modelling in Melbourne! While agencies keep track of availability regularly, there may be some very quiet periods where your child isn’t booking any shoots at all. Just remember this is more about what clients are looking for than your child, so don’t take it personally!

The risk of rejection is real

As with any industry, there is a very real chance that your child will be rejected after applying for shoots. From changing client requirements to cancelled shoots, there are a myriad of reasons that your child may lose out on a gig. Don’t take it personally, as another may be just around the corner!

Communication is essential

Before progressing, the most important thing is making sure that your child is enthusiastic about modelling. If your child is shy, or doesn’t enjoy having their photo taken, it might be wise to reconsider. On the other hand, children who love being the centre of attention will thrive in this environment, and child modelling could be a great choice! Be open and honest about what the work entails, and don’t force your child to do anything they don’t want to do. Remember, this is about them – not you!

Start Your Child Modelling in Melbourne Today!

At Casting Kids, we understand just how overwhelming the industry can be for new parents. Our experience in child modelling in Melbourne means that we can give your child the boost they need to kickstart a fun and rewarding career. If you’re looking to get your child started on their modelling journey, or would simply like to know more about the industry, contact us today!

Tips for Child Modelling Careers

child modelling

Child modelling careers seem like a great idea, especially if your child has a bit of flair and loves to entertain. However, it’s not something you should blindly go into, because it’s a lot of hard work. Of course, it’s also heaps of fun and can be great for a child’s self-confidence, but it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself in for.

Remember to keep it fun

Firstly, you need to remember that child modelling should be fun. Most photographers and directors you’ll encounter are experienced in working with children. So, they’ll do their best to keep it fun. While it’s still a job, and we’ll touch on this later, you need to make sure your child enjoys it. If it stops being fun for them, it’s time for a break. Unfortunately, children often love doing something for a while and then move on to something else. It’s natural, so don’t force your child to keep going if it stops being fun.

Ensure your child can take direction

One of the most crucial things for a child model is the ability to take direction. Kids don’t always have the best attention span. But if they want a child modelling career, they’ll need to know when to listen carefully.

Child modelling is hard work

Child modelling is great fun, and you should always do everything you can to keep it that way. However, children are human just like us. Their self-esteem gets dented, they get overwhelmed, and sometimes they just straight out don’t enjoy things. Modelling is fun, but it’s still work. When being paid, your child needs to be ready to put in the required work.

They might have a long day on a set, go through endless costume changes, deal with a photographer or director who they just don’t click with. Plenty of things can make modelling feel like a chore. So, make sure your child is prepared to put in the hard work when required.

Prepare thoroughly for auditions

While modelling is less about learning lines and more about presenting yourself in a certain way, you still need to prepare. Generally, you’ll have a good idea of the client you’re auditioning for. You may even be given some detailed information about what your child will be modelling. So, if you do get that extra information, make sure your child is comfortable. For example, if they need to wear a style of shoes they’ve never worn before, can you have them wear some before casting to get used to them?

Want to help your child start a modelling career?

Casting Kids has a reputation for being a caring, inclusive and supportive child talent agency. We’ve been in the business for a long time, and our clients trust us to find the very best child models in Melbourne. We continue to promote diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry, and we pride ourselves on getting to know all of the children and families we represent. Contact us today to find out how we can get your child started!